Warden in Go, on linux
For development, you can just spin up the Vagrant VM and run the server locally, pointing at its host:
# if you need it:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
# then:
librarian-chef install
vagrant up
ssh-copy-id vagrant@
ssh vagrant@ sudo cp -r .ssh/ /root/.ssh/
# or run from inside the vm:
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
goto warden-linux
This runs the server locally and configures the Linux backend to do everything over SSH to the Vagrant box.
- Docker v0.9.0 or later (for creating a root filesystem)
- git (for warden and its dependencies on github)
- mercurial (for some dependencies not on github)
Run all the following commands as root.
Make a directory to contain go code:
# mkdir ~/go
From now on, we assume this directory is in /root/go
Install Go 1.2.1 or later. For example, install gvm and issue:
# gvm install go1.2.1
# gvm use go1.2.1
Extend $GOPATH
and $PATH
# export GOPATH=/root/go:$GOPATH
# export PATH=$PATH:/root/go/bin
Install godep (used to manage warden's dependencies):
# go get github.com/kr/godep
Get garden and its dependencies:
# go get github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/warden-linux
# cd /root/go/src/github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/warden-linux
# godep restore
Make the C code:
# make
Create a root filesystem, extract it (still as root), and point to it:
# make warden-test-rootfs.tar
# gzip warden-test-rootfs.tar
# mkdir -p /var/warden/rootfs
# tar xzf warden-test-rootfs.tar.gz -C /var/warden/rootfs
# export WARDEN_TEST_ROOTFS=/var/warden/rootfs
(You may wish to save the root filesystem tar.gz file for future use.)
Install ginkgo (used to test garden):
# go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
Run the tests (skipping performance measurements):
# ginkgo -r -skipMeasurements