First, we need all the certificates that will be used by the services. Generate them with this:
For simple configuration of the project, I strongly recommend to use "StrongHome Configurator". Launch it with:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/remote vk496/stronghome-utils config
For test pruposes, you can use directly the example config:
cp test/strongHome-config-test.yaml config/strongHome-config.yaml
Check if your config is correct before continue. You can ommit this step if you have used "StrongHome Configurator" or the example config:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/remote vk496/stronghome-utils pykwalify -s config/strongHome-schema.yaml -d config/strongHome-config.yaml
docker-compose --compatibility up --build -d
docker-compose --compatibility -f docker-compose.yml -f test/docker-compose.test.yml up --build; docker-compose down
- Define admin permissions with YAML
- Auto-generate config
- Unit tests
- Define ACL policies for each application (Radius, VoIP, etc.) to have restricted access
- 802.11X
- Auto-generate config
- Tests for all kind of radius auth methods
- YAML config
- Schema
- NextCloud
- Unit tests
- Server side encryption
- Email server
- VoIP?
- Sync startup containers
- Web for manager LDAP/restore passwords
- Design optional services (torrents, plex, etc.)
- Dynamic auto-configuration stuff should be in a aislated service
- Beautiful way to generate strongHome YAML config
- Scalable services