This is a fork of this awesome package made by @nicklambourne.
is a Python API for building messages in the fancy new Slack Block Kit API.
This package requires Python 3.10
pip install git+
from slackblocks import Message, SectionBlock
block = SectionBlock("Hello, world!")
message = Message(blocks=block)
Will produce the following JSON string:
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"block_id": "992ceb6b-9ad4-496b-b8e6-1bd8a632e8b3",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Hello, world!",
"verbatim": false
which can be sent as payload to the Slack message API HTTP endpoints.
You can unpack the objects directly into the Python Slack Client in order to send messages:
from os import environ
from slack import WebClient
from slackblocks import Message, SectionBlock
client = WebClient(token=environ["SLACK_API_TOKEN"])
block = SectionBlock("Hello, world!")
message = Message(channel="#general", blocks=block)
response = client.chat_postMessage(**message)
Note the **
operator in front of the message