Welcome to my Neovim configuration! Since I'm constantly updating my setup and switching between computers, I decided to upload my config to GitHub. If you've somehow stumbled on my repository, feel free to browse around and try it out.
- Easy package management with Lazy
- Simple LSP setup with LSP-Zero
- Syntax highlighting with Treesitter
- Robust navigation with Telescope, Harpoon, and Oil
- Git integration with Fugitive and Gitsigns
- Change management with Undotree
- And of course, ✨aesthetics✨ thanks to Tokyonight, Web-Devicons, and Lualine
To use my Neovim configuration, follow these steps:
- Ensure Neovim is installed on your system.
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/vmporuri/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
A huge thanks to ThePrimeagen. Before I made my own config, I used his to get my feet wet with Neovim. My experiences with his setup heavily inspired this config.