Makes it easy to talk to websocket clients using rabbitmq queues.
Websocket to message broker gateway for servers:
websocket client (browser) <---> pushpull gateway <----> message broker (rabbitmq) <---> your backend application \ \-> the authenticator module
Includes some standard authenticator modules
Requires python3.5+:
pip install pushpull
- install a rabbitmq server and a mongodb server
- run
Run the websocket server:
Run the CLI websocket client:
pushpull-client challenge_websocket http://localhost:8080/pushpull user_token
Run the CLI rabbitmq client:
pushpull-client challenge_amqp amqp://localhost/ user_id
Run the CLI rabbitmq authenticator:
pushpull-client authenticate_amqp amqp://localhost/ pushpull.auth.simple_file:main,user_db.txt
The user_db.txt
is a text file with one entry per line:
To pass a message to a WebSocket client through RabbitMQ you can use pika Python module:
connection = pika.BlockingConnection() channel = channel.basic_publish(exchange='', # routing_key='', # broadcast to all open WebSockets routing_key=('' % user_id), body='{"test": "Test"}') connection.close()
install wheel:
pip install wheel
Build wheels for 3rd party and the project itself:
pip wheel -r requirements.txt -w wheelhouse pip wheel . --no-deps -w wheelhouse-app docker build -t pushpull .