This is promocode API program. That allow the user to create a new promocode or request a promocode depending on his age, date and meteo weather.
Installing node.js
- Mac (homebrew):
brew install node
- Linux (packet manager):
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
- Node website:
- Clone the repository project in the directory of your choice with:
git clone
- Move to the project directory, and install all npm modules dependencies needed by the program
npm install
- To access the helping manual of the Api containing the entire options list, use the following command:
node src/api.js -h
You will get:
> Usage: api [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --portAPI <portAPI> Set API port listening
-l, --loglevel <logLevel Set log level
-h, --help output usage information
The -l (or --loglevel) option allows you to modify the verbosity of the console logs. To see debug level just use the following command:
node src/api.js -l debug
All the routes have been tested using the Insomnia program.
You can access the API by using the URL http://localhost:<portAPI>/
(default port is 3000).
Creating a promo code route using query string URL
age query must be like eq<value>lt<value>gt<value>
(eq and lt/gt are optional, but lt (or gt) cannot exist without gt (or lt))
end and start date are not implemented
Server response:
"message": "WeatherCode promo created!"
Request a promo code depending on the weather:
with post body:
"promocode_name": "WeatherCode",
"arguments": {
"age": 25,"meteo": {
Server response:
"promocode_name": "WeatherCode",
"status": "accepted",
"avantage": {
"percent": "20"
Valentin Reymond
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details