Test with an example screenshot:
bundle install
open http://localhost:4567/
- Should see image at 100%, or at least export at 100%
- Pressing Ctrl or CMD should toggle move temporarily and revert back
- Eraser
- Paint filling intersecting areas
- Choose color
- Choose font-size
- Choose form sizes (widths)
- Navigating away should prompt to cancel navigation
- Delete should not navigate away
- Save and share /screenshot-path.png
- Versioning and always symlink the /screenshot-path.png to the latest revision
- Easy to share URLs in the front-end
- Inline text editing, more like Skitch (no textarea)
- Undo - should just be a matter of diposing of objects in the Grasp.Canvas#objects list
- Redo - a little bit more complicated. It's easy enough to keep a stack of removed objects, but adding them again and re-binding the proper events may be a little bit harder.
- Add a fine border around elements like skitch does when they are selected