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RblSb edited this page Jun 6, 2023 · 32 revisions

The vshaxe extension adds the following commands. You can invoke them by pressing F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P/Cmd+Shift+P and typing part of the command name. All commands are prefixed with Haxe:

Haxe: Initialize VS Code Project

Scaffolds a very basic Haxe project in an empty workspace.

Haxe: Restart Language Server

Restarts the language server and the Haxe completion server. Use it if anything goes wrong or to reload haxe-languageserver's code after recompiling it.

Haxe: Select Completion Provider

Selects the "provider" to use for completion. vshaxe has an extension API that allows another extension to provide the arguments for completion. Currently this is only used by the Lime extension.

The built-in "Haxe" provider is available whenever there are .hxml files in the project's root directory or if "haxe.configurations" has been set.

Instead of using the command to open the dropdown, you can also click the Completion Provider item in the lower left of the status bar:

Haxe: Select Configuration

Choose the currently active configuration (see Configuration section for more info).

Instead of using the command to open the dropdown, you can also click the Haxe Configuration item in the lower left of the status bar:

Haxe: Debug Selected Configuration

This command lets you debug the currently selected configuration, assuming there is a launch configuration with a matching name defined in launch.json. If you want, you can even override the default shortcut for starting a debug session (F5) in Haxe projects:

	"key": "f5",
	"command": "haxe.debugSelectedConfiguration",
	"when": "vshaxeActivated"

Effectively, this means that the Haxe: Select Configuration command offers a unified way to switch the target used for:

  • code completion
  • the default build task
  • debugging

Haxe: Run Global Diagnostics Check

Runs Diagnostics on all files in the workspace and displays them in the Problems view.

Haxe: Toggle Code Lens

En/disables Haxe Code Lens in your Configuration by flipping the "haxe.enableCodeLens" setting.

Haxe: Fix All


This command fixes simple compiler errors with obvious solutions:

  • Adds missing semicolons and commas
  • Removes wrong semicolons in objects ({foo: 1;})
  • Adds or removes wrong override modifier
  • Removes public / static from module-level fields
  • Fixes invalid package error
  • Changes final var to final

To enable autofixes on file save for basic compiler errors, you can add the following to .vscode/settings.json:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
	"source.fixAll": true
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