This project adds Batsh support to vim. It covers syntax, indenting, and more.
- Installation
- vim 7.4 or later
- Install Vundle into
Configure your vimrc for Vundle. Here's a bare-minimum vimrc that enables all the features of
:set nocompatible filetype off set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ call vundle#rc() Bundle 'vuryleo/vim-Batsh' syntax enable filetype plugin indent on
If you're adding Vundle to a built-up vimrc, just make sure all these calls are in there and that they occur in this order.
Open vim and run
To update, open vim and run :BundleInstall!
(notice the bang!)
Thanks to vim-SugarCpp and vim-coffee-script.
Actually only minor modification is done to make it work for Batsh