Finds VOD playlists on Twitch.
cargo install --git
or download the latest binary from the Releases page
Will ask you what mode you want and proceed from there.
tbf exact [FLAGS] <username> <id> <stamp>
tbf exact destiny 39700667438 1605781794
Combine all the parts (streamer's username, VOD/broadcast ID and a timestamp) into a proper m3u8 URL and check whether the VOD is available.
tbf bruteforce [FLAGS] <username> <id> <from> <to>
tbf bruteforce destiny 39700667438 1605781694 1605781894
Go over a range of timestamps, looking for a usable/working m3u8 URL, and check whether the VOD is available.
tbf clipforce [FLAGS] <id> <start> <end>
tbf clipforce 39700667438 0 3600
Go over a range of timestamps, looking for clips in a VOD.
tbf link [FLAGS] <url>
tbf link
Get the m3u8 from a TwitchTracker/StreamsCharts URL.
tbf link [FLAGS] <username>
tbf live forsen
Get the m3u8 from a currently running stream.
tbf clip [FLAGS] <clip>
tbf clip SpotlessCrypticStapleAMPTropPunch-H_rVu0mGfGLNMlEx
Get the m3u8 from a clip using TwitchTracker.
tbf fix [FLAGS] <url>
tbf clip
Download and convert an unplayable unmuted Twitch VOD playlist into a playable muted one.
Set the output path (default is current folder).
Use the old (slow, but more reliable) method of checking for segments.
Import more CDN urls via a config file (TXT/JSON/YAML/TOML).
Print help information.
Provide minimal output.
Show more info.
Select the preferred processing mode for StreamsCharts [possible values: exact, bruteforce].
Enable a progress bar (which might slow stuff down according to this)