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Bruce Bailey edited this page May 17, 2024 · 11 revisions

Meeting minutes May 17th, 2024

Attendance (12): Alastair Campbell, Mike Gower, Bruce Bailey, Francis Storr, Patrick Lauke, Giacomo Petri, Dan Bjorge, Scott O'Hara, Filippo Zorzi, Gundala Neuman, Mike Gifford, Steve Faulkner.


Other AG WG activities competing for TF member bandwidth over the next few weeks:


We gave ourselves a few minutes to reflect on Global Accessibility Awareness Day (which was yesterday) with a quick round-robin.

  • Mike shared highlights from an internal IBM event.
  • Bruce said USAB staff frequently get invitations to speak on GAAD. Please see USAB news article.
  • Patrick reminded us that every day is Accessibility Day, and celebrated by taking the day off.
  • Alastair participated in a three-day event, Virtua11y web accessibility and digital inclusion conference. Look for recording to get posted soon to the Nomensa YouTube channel.
  • Scott celebrated getting some UK spelling into ARIA.
  • Francis too the opportunity for some a11y evangelism.
  • Dan appreciated a provocative demo by Cypress with its "test record" feature.
  • Steve Faulkner joined our call to celebrate GAAD. </s>
  • Mike Gifford enjoyed chairing an interesting panel.
  • Giacomo gave a couple internal presentations on accessibility; as mindset and setting priories for testing.

Standing agenda

We followed the standing, working from the default project board

On Tuesday, ten items sent to AG WG for REVIEW - WCAG 2 proposed changes (due by May 28). Some items in the Sent column have thumbs-up already. No thumbs-down. Nothing flagged for discussion.

Review ‘For discussion’ items

None so far.

Review ‘Drafted’ items

move to Ready for approval

These will be queued up for an approval review by AG WG in a couple of weeks.

move back to In progress


leave in Drafted

1.4.1 Use of color: adding examples to understanding text #3717 Patrick and Francis volunteered to review and provide editorial. Focus Visible seems to have a low threshold for "visible" (or not). Bruce objected to nearly invisible color change being characterized as visible. Patrick noted we closed 2.4.7 Focus Visible - what counts as "visible"? #302 is closed. Much discussion, left in drafted.

  • Patrick: Understanding needs to bring in the idea of user intent. The wording Giacomo used does not imply it needs to be always visible, so a disclosure etc would be ok too.
  • Dan: That needs to be an erratum on the SC and not just a technique; I agree that it would be a reasonable exception to the SC, but I don’t think it is an exception and I don’t think a technique should invent exceptions

Tweak understanding for 1.2.3 and 1.2.5 #1790 regarding audio ducking. Patrick will continue to lead and asks for reviewers. Left in drafted.

Understanding "Pause, Stop, Hide": adding explanation of "automatic". #2906 closes issue 3863. PR needs more review as definition of "automatic" remains vague. Chat from call

When animation starts automatically with a change of focus, it's considered automatic. However, animation starting from pointer hover, scrolling, or changing a UI component is not automatic "Pause, Stop, Hide" applies to animations initiated by the web page. For animations triggered by user interactions, refer to 2.3.3 Animation from Interactions

  • Suggestion to discern between animation that start on page load vs on-focus vs on-hover. Discussion if new SC animation from interaction 2.3.3 overlaps. Steve asked to propose threshold. PR staying in Drafted.

Added "Duplicated text" as a sufficient technique to fulfill the 1.4.5 Images of Text success criterion in the Understanding Document #3773 It is question if SC means text present at all times (on the page). Asking developers to replace images of text is something that improves accessibility, but duplicative text can be annoying. Discussion and no consensus on call, and left in Drafted.

Review ‘To do’.


Open discussion

Time permitting, items of interest to participants, including open discussions

Pro Tip

Alastair asked that when creating new techniques, do not include a numbers. Just use the name/title for the technique. The numbering is assigned during the publication process.