Linux Kernel HID Module for Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS 4 Joystick
The joystick's HID Report Descriptor does not provide a mappingn for the throttle, stick twist, or throttle paddles. This driver replaces the HID report descriptor with one that (hopefully works)
Install whatever package your distro requires for compiling C. On ubuntu this is build-essential
Now build the module:
Load the module into the current running kernel to test it out for your use. A reboot will undo this change:
insmod hid-tflight4.ko
If it works well for you, then install it and set it up to be loaded at boot. After this next step, a reboot will not undo this change:
sudo cp hid-tflight4.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/hid/ \
&& sudo depmod \
&& sudo modprobe hid-tflight4 \
&& grep -qxF 'hid-tflight4' /etc/modules || echo 'hid-tflight4' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
To undo the previous step, do the following:
sudo rm -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-tflight4.ko \
&& sudo depmod \
&& sudo sed -i '/hid-tflight4/d' /etc/modules
The following list should do it:
~$ sudo -i
~# cd /usr/src
~# git clone tflight4-1.0
~# dkms install tflight4/1.0
Add configuration to the modprobe.d:
~$ sudo -i
~# echo 'options hid-tflight4 throttle_seesaw_extra_axis=1' > /etc/modprobe.d/80-tflight4.conf
Need to test if the optional foot rudders are correctly supported.