- nnsight
- aim to keep it as simple as bauket eventually, and support remote mechinterp. HuggingFace compatible
- Pyvene (intervention focused)
- TransformerLens
- uses jaxtyping, aliases models into a common interface, not as huggingface compatible as other libs
an extremely opinionated toolkit for doing whatever you want to specific models,
- BauKit - light, simple, and well loved
- penzai - jax-based, not HuggingFace-native
- Transformer Debugger (OpenAI) - not HuggingFace-native
- Graphpatch - promising but abandoned
- NeuroX
- A tutorial on doing it manually
- captum
- inseq
- Explabox (2022)
- IBM: AIX360 (2019)
- Microsoft: Responsible AI Toolbox (2021)
- Dashboard that integrates: Error analysis, Fairlearn, InterpretML, DiCE, EconML and Data Balance
- InterpretML
- SHAP, Mimic and LIME explainers. Permutation feature importance.
- MI2.ai
- DrWhy (2019)
- DALEX, survex, Arena, fairmodels,
- Currently working on: ARES, xSurvival, Large Model Analysis
- DrWhy (2019)
- XAI (2018)
- ELI5
- Neptune-AI blog
- Neptune-AI blog
- AI Ethics tool landscape
- jsonformer
- doesn't do enums
- outlines
- Microsoft Guidance
- lmql.ai
- llama.cpp grammar
- langchain output_parsers
- salute - typescript
- guardrails
- clownfish - 2023 Modifying Transformers to Follow a JSON Schema - not updated
- relm - 2023 Regular Expression engine for Language Models - not updated
- Constrained-Text-Generation-Studio
- kor
- lm-format-enforcer - remote api's
- instructor - for remote api's without logits
- Promptify
- prob_jsonformer - Jsonformer, but it can output the probablity of each choice in a single pass