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learning Typescript


Typescript adds:

  • Types
  • Next-gen JavaScript features(complied down for older browsers)
  • Non-javaScript features like Interfaces or Generics
  • Meta-programming features like Decorators
  • Rich configuration options
  • modern tooling that helps in non-typescript project

Typescript Types

Core Types

  • number
  • string
  • boolean (true/false)
function greet(name: string, age: number, isLoggedIn: boolean) {
  if (isLoggedIn) {
    return `Hello ${name}, you are ${age} years old`;
  } else {
    return "Pls Log in to access your dashboard";
Type inference

This is when typescript determines the type of a variable by the value(s) initialized to it.

const age = 5; // typescript assigns the age variable to a number
const name = "Tolu"; // typescript assigns the name variable to a string
const isAdmin = true; // typescript assigns the isAdmin variable to a boolean
const greet = (name: string) => `Hello ${name}`; // typescript assigns the greet function to a string because it returns prop which is also a string

If the variable was not initialized to any value and was not assigned a type also, it set the variable type to any which means it can accept any of the core types if later used.

let age; // typescript assigns the age variable to type `**any**`
let fullName: string; // typescript assigns the fullName variable to type `string` because it assigned the type at the declaration.
  • object {name: string}
const person: {
  name: string;
  age: number;
} = {
  name: "Tolu",
  age: 21,

// but it's best to let typescript infer your type:

const animal = {
  specie: "Dog",
  breed: "German Shepherd",
  • array [1, 2, 3], the types can be flexible or straight for an array

    • flexible
    let favouriteGames: string[];
    const person = {
      name: "Tolu",
      age: 21,
      hobbies: ["Gaming", "Watching movies"],
    // favouriteGames and person.hobbies are inferred type: array of strings, i.e the array can only contain string values
    let studentScores: number[];
    // studentScores is inferred type: array of number, i.e the array can only contain number values
    • straight
    let list: any[];
    // list array can contain strings, numbers, ...(all core types)
  • tuple (fixed length and fixed type array)

    let role: [number, string];
    // this let the array type of role to be a length of 2 where the first element is a number and the second is a string
  • enum enum {NEW, OLD}

    enum Role {
    // accessed like:
    const person = {
      name: "Tolu",
      age: 21,
      hobbies: ["Gaming", "Watching movies"],
      role: Role.ADMIN,
    // where the type of role is Role with is an enum type
  • any *

Union Types

Represented with the |

const variable: number | string;

Type Aliases

Define your custom type using the type keyword.

type MyType = number | string;

Typescript Functions

const add = (n1: number, n2: number): number => {
  return n1 + n2;

if it's not necessary, let typescript infer the type.

if the function does not return any value or have a return statement, the type inferred on the function would be type void

const printNumber = (num: number) => {
  console.log("Result", num);

Function Type

let customFunction: Function;

A function type is a type that describe a function and its parameter(s), it's created with () => type

const add = (n1: number, n2: number): number => {
  return n1 + n2;
let customFunction: (a: number, b: number) => number;
customFunction = add;

// hence, the add function must be of the same type to customFunction, i.e receives two parameters which are both numbers

a parameter can also be a function type

function webDevTolu(n1: number, n2: number, cb: (num: number) => void) {
  const result = n1 + n2;

webDevTolu(8, 6, (addedResult) => {

Unknown Type

let variableName: unknown;

Never Type

function variableFunction(): never {}

The Typescript Compiler

tsc app.ts -w or tsc app.ts --watch

This is suitable for one file.

For multiple files, run tsc --init

This create a tsconfig.json file, making it possible to run just run tsc or tsc -w


learning Typescript






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