The webinos platform for Android, including PZP and WRT, based on anode.
webinos v0.9.0 for Android for test.
It supports Android 3.x and higher.
- webinos-pzp
- webinos-widget
webinos-android is an Android application project with npm package management. Our recommended build environment is 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 or higher. If you are using 64-bit Ubuntu, please run the following command:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
Other Linux distributions, emulated Linux environments, or Unix-like systems are not fully tested but should work, maybe with some twistings. It is also possible for you to derive a build process based on instructions here for other platforms like Windows, Mac OS. Some Windows build notes and other tweaking tips can be found in webinos-android/ in the source package.
* Node.js
* node-gyp
* Git
* Ant
* G++
* libgnome-keyring-dev
* libssl-dev
* Android SDK
We need Node v0.8.x (x>=14). 'apt-get install nodejs' might not give you a required Node version. If so please download a ~v0.8.14 version from here:
Then do a global install manually.
sudo npm install -g node-gyp
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install ant
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install libgnome-keyring-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
Download Android SDK from
Install API Level 11.
Then set the environment variable
export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/your/Android/SDK
You can get the source code from GitHub.
git clone
To build a debug installer, execute
cd webinos-android
ant anode webinos-deps -Ddevice=<profile> clean debug
In the command,
- Target anode puts anode source under webinos-android/libs with its own Git.
- Target webinos-deps installs webinos dependencies into webinos-android/node_modules with npm.
- Property device is the device profile that includes defined webinos APIs. Current device profiles are defined in webinos-android/assets/config/device_profiles.json. If the -D option is omitted, the default profile will be used.
If successful the target is generated as
ADT Version 22.0.x is supported. We still need Ant to get the dependencies.
- Import the project into Eclipse
In the "File" menu, "New" -> "Project..." to open the "New Project" window.
Expand "Android", select "Android Project from Existing Code", and click "Next>".
Click "Browse..." button, in the pop-up window select your webinos-android folder, click "OK".
In the "Project to Import" box of "Import Projects" window, select following projects and then click "Finish". * webinos-android
* base * content * eyes-free * media * net * shell * ui
- Get project dependencies (can be skipped if you have already run command line Ant build)
In the "Run" menu select "External tools" -> "External Tools Configurations...".
In the "External Tools Configurations" window, expand "Ant Build", you will see the configuration named configuration_ant.
Select the configuration. In the "Arguments:" box in the "Main" tab, replace -Ddevice=default with -Ddevice=<profile>, where <profile> is your selected device profile, click "Apply", and click "Run". In the "Console" View window you should see the webinos dependencies being built in.
- Build and run
To make sure the dependencies are included, right-click the wbinos-android project, in the pop-up menu click "Refresh".
Build and run as Android application. If successful the installer is created as