An online file management utility, using PHP and jQuery. It can be installed as stand-alone file management system, as text input field plugin or Integrated with TinyMCE as Plugin with build in simple Authentication method.
Copy the ezFilemanager folder and contents to your TinyMCE plugins directory.
- v3.0a
Added option to set more than one upload folder.
Minor enhancements and bug fixes - Stand alone installation
Open and edit configuration, mainly the FOLDER_ARRAY.
For security reasons enable password prottection and change the username/password
Just point your browser to the ezfilemanager folder - Plugin Installation within TinyMCE
Open and edit configuration, mainly the FOLDER_ARRAY
Add ez_tinyMCE.js to your tiny_mce page, make sure the path is correct
//Your ezfilemanager URL, Width & Height might be different, change it accordingly
var ezfmURL = tinyMCE.baseURL +"/plugins/ezfilemanager/"; //when using local tinymce
//var ezfmURL = window.location.protocol+"//"+document.domain +"/(your installation path or url)/tinymce/plugins/ezfilemanager/"; //with Cachefly CDN
var ezfmWidth= 800;
var ezfmHeight= 640;
var ezfmTitle= 'EZ Filemanager v3.0 RC';
<script type="text/javascript" src="(your installation path or url)/tinymce.min.js"></script>
Edit your TinyMCE init:
<script type="text/javascript" src="(your installation path or url)/plugins/ezfilemanager/js/ez_tinyMCE.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
selector: "textarea",
// Uncomment the below If using TinyMCE CDN
//language_url : '(your installation path or url)/tinymce/langs/en.js',
plugins: [
"advlist link image media",
"ezfilemanager", //comment out if using TinyMCE CDN
"media nonbreaking contextmenu"
// Uncomment the below If using TinyMCE CDN
//external_plugins: {
//"ezfilemanager": "(your installation path or url)/plugins/ezfilemanager/plugin.min.js"
toolbar1: "undo redo | ezfilemanager | image link media",
image_advtab: true,
relative_urls: false,
file_browser_callback: CustomFileBrowser
- Generic Plugin for text input area.
Put this in your page header <head></head>
<!-- jQuery CDN --
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- modify according to your directory structure -- >
<script type="text/javascript" src="(your installation path or url)/tinymce/plugins/ezfilemanager/js/ez_tinyMCE_plugin.js"></script>
Put text input in the page, set the ID of the input to "ezfm"
<input type="text" name="title" id="ezfm" value="" />
Double clicking the text input field will open ezfilemanager
if you want to open a specific directory then use the custom "rel" attribute
<input type="text" name="title" id="ezfm" rel="upload-folder/myfolder/" value="" /> -
Dont forget to enable password protection and change the username/password.This is it, let me know if you have any problems