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webOS Studio


This repository deprecated and moved to @webos-tools/webos-studio.

webOS Studio helps the users develop apps or services for webOS Open Source Edition (OSE) and webOS TV.


  • If you installed the webOS OSE extension or webOS TV extension, UNINSTALL those before installing this extension.
  • Make sure that you read the Setup section.
  • This extension collects usage data to understand how the extension performs, where improvements are needed, and how features are being used. We don't collect any personal data, but if you don't want to, go to the settings and uncheck webOS: Enable User Data Collection.

Table of Contents

This extension was developed vased on the webOS TV extension.

System Requirements


Emulator-related features are not supported in Apple Silicon Mac.


Software Required version
Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.58.0 or higher
Node.js v14.15.1 ~ v16.20.2
Python 3.6 or higher
VirtualBox 6.1 or higher


To use the webOS Studio, you have to set up the followings:


Workspace is the root directory for all your webOS apps/services. All commands of webOS Studio will be executed based on the workspace.

Navigate to File > Open Folder and select a directory. This directory will be your a new workspace.

Selecting the workspace folder

Note: The workspace of webOS Studio is different from that of VS Code. webOS Studio can only have one workspace at a time.

Global Packages

Global packages are essential packages to run webOS Studio. This extension supports a command to install this packages at once, and which only needs to be run once initially.

  1. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P).
  2. Execute webOS: Install Global Packages.

Installing global packages

Or you can also do the same job with the following command:

npm install -g @enact/cli @webos-sdk/cli patch-package

Emulator Launcher

Emulator Launcher is a command-line based tool which helps users set up the webOS emulator more easier.

You can install the Emulator Launcher with the following command:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade webos-emulator --force-reinstall

For Windows users, use python instead of python3.

Device Profile

webOS Studio supports multiple webOS platforms. So, you need to set the proper profile for your webOS device.

  1. Go to the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P).
  2. Execute webOS: Set Device Profile.
  3. Select the profile of your target webOS device.

How to Use

For more detailed user guide, see each platform's website.

Command Palette

webOS Studio supports the following commands:

Command TV OSE Description
webOS: Set Device Profile v v Sets the target platform of webOS Studio (webOS OSE of webOS TV).
webOS: Create Project Wizard v v Generates source code templates.
webOS: Install Global Packages v v Installs essential global packages to run this extension.
webOS: Install Emulator Launcher v v Installs webOS Emulator Launcher.
webOS: Package Application v v Packages an app into a package file (IPK).
webOS: Set Up Device v v Adds, modifies, or removes devices from the device list.
webOS: Install Application v v Installs an app on the device.
webOS: Launch Application v v Runs an app installed on the device.
webOS: Run Application v v Packages, install, and launches an app sequentially.
webOS: Debug v v Packages, install, and inspects an app sequentially.
webOS: IPK Analyzer v v Analyzes a specific IPK.
webOS: Auto Reload v v Auto Reload
webOS OSE: Launch Resource Monitoring v Launches Resource Monitoring window.
webOS TV: Set Up SSH Key v Sets up ssh key for webOS TV
webOS TV: Run on Simulator v Runs an app on the webOS TV Simulator.

Miscellaneous Information

  • When VS Code starts, a notification pop-up might says that VirtualBox is not installed, even when VirtualBox is already installed properly. To resolve this, add the VirtualBox installation directory to your environment variable ($PATH).
  • If you want to report bugs or suggest some features, use Issue Reporter. (Help > Report Issue)

Other Resources

If you want to know more about webOS developments, see the following documents:

If you have any questions, refer to the following links:


Copyright and License Information

Unless otherwise specified, all content, including all source code files and documentation files in this repository are:

Copyright (c) 2021-2024 LG Electronics, Inc.

All content, including all source code files and documentation files in this repository except otherwise noted are:

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


VS Code extension for webOS to help developers easily develop webOS apps/services (web apps, Enact apps, JS services).







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