Implementation in Node using Express.JS, templating and FHC.
All that's required to run this project is NodeJS and npm.
packages.json looks after all dependencies.
install node.js & npm (via installer for Windows & Mac, from source for linux) (see node.js website )
see packages.json (npm's configuration file) for details on packages used
$ git clone git://
$ cd fh-studio
$ npm install -d
$ # optionally set FeedHenry backend using fhc target (default is
$ fhc target
$ node server.js
$ open
- After making changes to any templates, run 'jake ct' to compile the templates.
- modules which extend commandline, for example fhc, run, jake should be installed globally (use -g option with npm). Example : npm install fhc -g
- consider using run.js : you won't have to restart server after changing the code.
- //TODO: At present, the DustJS module needs to have this line removed to work with node 0.6:
lib/server.js:6 require.paths.unshift(path.join(__dirname, '..'));
Here's a collection of docs pages on the libraries and packages used in fh-studio
- Express.JS Guide - getting started with Express, the tool used to build our API in fh-studio - see routing.
- Ace Editor Embed Guide - Intro to the Ace API, the editor used
- Twitter Bootstrap - HTML & CSS boilerplate being used here
- History.js - state tracking using HTML5 pushState with hash-bang fallback.