This is a minimal plugin that provides a couple of commands to make window movements around quickfix and location lists easier. Depending on the users workflow, there could be multiple of those windows open at the same time. And especially if you are using more complex window layouts, these windows can be either hard to reach or are just in the way of the movements to the "actual" windows. Also do the default commands eventually open empty and useless windows, being just a waste of time.
Install the plugin with your favorite manager tool. Here is an example using dein.vim:
call dein#add('weilbith/vim-qfloc-moves', {
\ 'on_cmd': ['Copen', 'Lopen', 'Wincmd']
\ })
Just use the provided commands directly or bind them to keys. For example overwrite the default neighbor window movement bindings: >
noremap <silent> <C-w>h <cmd>Wincmd h<CR>
noremap <silent> <C-w>j <cmd>Wincmd j<CR>
noremap <silent> <C-w>k <cmd>Wincmd k<CR>
noremap <silent> <C-w>l <cmd>Wincmd l<CR>
Note that all commands attempt to re-use the origin names of the native command they wrap just with the first letter in upper case.
Checkout the
(:help qfloc_moves.txt
) for a full list of commands and their details.