fix: .extend performance #716
11 errors
Check types:
Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'true'.
Check types:
Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'true'.
Check types:
Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'true'.
Check types:
Type 'false' is not assignable to type 'true'.
Check types:
Argument of type '{ feeCurrency: "0x"; gatewayFee: bigint; gatewayFeeRecipient: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PrepareTransactionRequestParameters<{ blockExplorers: { readonly default: { readonly name: "Celo Explorer"; readonly url: ""; readonly apiUrl: ""; }; }; contracts: { readonly multicall3: { ...; }; }; ... 9 more ...; fees: ChainFees<...>; }, { ...; }, undefined, undefined...'.
Check types:
Argument of type '{ feeCurrency: "0x"; gatewayFee: bigint; gatewayFeeRecipient: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SendTransactionParameters<{ blockExplorers: { readonly default: { readonly name: "Celo Explorer"; readonly url: ""; readonly apiUrl: ""; }; }; contracts: { readonly multicall3: { ...; }; }; ... 9 more ...; fees: ChainFees<...>; }, { ...; }, undefined, SendTransactionRequ...'.
Check types:
Argument of type '{ feeCurrency: "0x"; gatewayFee: bigint; gatewayFeeRecipient: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SignTransactionParameters<{ blockExplorers: { readonly default: { readonly name: "Celo Explorer"; readonly url: ""; readonly apiUrl: ""; }; }; contracts: { readonly multicall3: { ...; }; }; ... 9 more ...; fees: ChainFees<...>; }, { ...; }, undefined, Omit<...> | ... 15 ...'.
Check types:
Argument of type '{ chain: { blockExplorers: { readonly default: { readonly name: "Celo Explorer"; readonly url: ""; readonly apiUrl: ""; }; }; contracts: { readonly multicall3: { ...; }; }; ... 9 more ...; fees: ChainFees<...>; }; feeCurrency: "0x"; gatewayFee: bigint; gatewayFeeRecipien...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SendTransactionParameters<undefined, { address: "0x"; type: "json-rpc"; }, { blockExplorers: { readonly default: { readonly name: "Celo Explorer"; readonly url: ""; readonly apiUrl: ""; }; }; ... 10 more ...; fees: ChainFees<...>; }, SendTransactionRequest<...>>'.
Check types:
Type 'Promise<{ [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | ... 14 more ... | { ...; }>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<{ [K in keyof (UnionRequiredBy<Extract<UnionOmit<ExtractChainFormatterParameters<DeriveChain<Chain, TChainOverride>, "transactionRequest", TransactionRequest>, "from"> & (DeriveChain<...> extends Chain ? { ...; } : { ...; }) & (DeriveAccount<...> extends Account ? { ...; } : { ...; }), IsNever<...> extends t...'.
Check types:
Type 'Promise<{ [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | { [x: string]: any; } | ... 14 more ... | { ...; }>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<{ [K in keyof (UnionRequiredBy<Extract<UnionOmit<ExtractChainFormatterParameters<DeriveChain<Chain, TChainOverride>, "transactionRequest", TransactionRequest>, "from"> & (DeriveChain<...> extends Chain ? { ...; } : { ...; }) & (DeriveAccount<...> extends Account ? { ...; } : { ...; }), IsNever<...> extends t...'.