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A powershell file system provider for storing simple structured data


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A powershell file system for storing simple structured data. Implementation of the file system provider relies heavily on an extended fork of beefarinos p2f framework. The fork can be found here.


Install from PSGallery as an Administrator

Install-Module TreeStore 

The module project targets netstandard 2.0 and is therefore compatible with PowerShell 5 and PowerShell Core.

Create a TreeStore file system.

TreeStore provides its own Ccmdlet to create PSDrives for convenience. You can achive the same with New-PsDrive but filling the cmdlet-arguments is more straightforward using the custom cmdlet.

Create non-persistent (in memory) drive:

Import-Module TreeStore
New-TreeStoreDrive -Name tree
cd tree:

Create a persistent drive based on a LiteDb database.

Import-Module TreeStore
New-TreeStoreDrive -Name tree -TreeStorePath "c:\tmp\data.db"
cd tree:

more about TreeStore drives...

Create a Tag

A Tag defines a simple data structure composed of uniquely named properties. The name of the tag is also unique. To create Tag just create a new item in directory /Tags.

New-Item \Tags\example_tag

Create a Facet Property

To add facet properties to a tag just create a new item under the tag. The name must be unique within the Tag. For any property a data type has to be provided.

New-Item \Tags\example_tag -Name example_property -ValueType Long

Supported property types are: Bool, DateTime, Decimal, Double, Guid, Long, String. Properties can be renamed or copyed/moved to another tag or removed from a tag with approriate powershell item cmdlets. Since facet properties can exist only with in a tag destinations outside of a tag are not allowed for copying or moving

more about Tags and Facet Properties...

Create an Entity

An entity is the main item of a TreeStore file system. All entities are stored under the \Entities folder.

NewItem \Entities\example_entity

more about Entities...

Assign Tag to an Entity

To assign a Tag 't' to an existing entity 'e' just create a new item named like a tag under the entity:

New-Item \Entities\example_entity -Name example_tag

Now properties defined by the Tag can be filled with values. If the name of the tag isn't found in the \Tags folder the operation will fail.

Set/Get value of an Entities Facet Property

A value can be assigned with the Set-ItemProperty cmdlet:

Set-ItemProperty -Path \Entities\example_entity\example_tag -Name example_property -Value 1

The value can be read again using:

Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path \Entities\example_entity\example_tag -Name example_property



A powershell file system provider for storing simple structured data








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