I'm Will and I'm a recent BSc Mathematics graduate from the University of Bath. Here you can find my academic projects as well as other projects I may be working on.
- Year 3, 2nd Semester: Applied Statistics (Data Analysis using GLMs on Air BnB data, R) - https://github.com/wh607/Analysis-of-Air-BnB-Data
- Year 3, 2nd Semester: Machine Learning (Matrix Completion on an X-ray image using GD and SGD, Python) - https://github.com/wh607/Matrix-Completion-on-X-Ray-Image
- Year 3, 1st Semester: Data Science (Pollutant levels, crime rates and textual analysis, R) - https://github.com/wh607/Text-and-Spatial-Data-Analysis
- Year 3: 1st Semester: Data Science (Orchid and hospital data visualisation and analysis, R) - https://github.com/wh607/Orchid-and-Hospital-Data-Analysis
- Year 3: 1st Semester: Methods for Stochastic Systems (Stochastic system analysis and simulation, MATLAB) - https://github.com/wh607/Gillespie-Stochastic-System-Simluation
- Python: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scipy, sklearn.
- R: tidyverse (ggplot2, dyplr, tidyr, tibble), ggmap, broom, patchwork, lubridate, effects, tidytext, sf, widyr, gstat, sp, spatstat, maptools, wordcloud, spdep.