Titanium SDK adapter for the Loki embedded database.
You can use this library to persist Loki databases inside Titanium applications using the Titanium API. Everything else operates as it would in any other runtime, so visit the Loki documentation for further information.
This module is on npm, so feel free to grab from there (as well as Loki):
$ npm i lokijs loki-titanium-adapter
You can then configure it inside your application pretty easily, as the API is still synchronous for the time being:
// Load our modules
const Loki = require('lokijs');
const TitaniumAdapter = require('loki-titanium-adapter');
// Construct our database instance
const db = new Loki('my-database', {
adapter: new TitaniumAdapter({
parent: 'data', // subdirectory in app data
reader: {
buffer: 1024 * 1024 // max buffer during disk reads
writer: {
batch: 25 // number of documents to write in batch
autoload: true,
autosave: true,
autosaveInterval: 5000,
autoloadCallback: function () {
// called when your database is loaded
This will save your database changes to disk every 5 seconds (configured via
the autosaveInterval
parameter). In addition to this, I recommend adding a
hook for the pause
event to flush when the application is closed:
// Add a pause listener to ensure flush on background
Ti.App.addEventListener('pause', function (_e) {
db.saveDatabase(function (e) {
// documents should have been flushed
There is also a more complete example app available - just keep
in mind that you need to run npm install
before you try to run it. For any
further use, check out Loki wiki
as the API is exactly the same.