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intro to ghidra scripting guide




Download the latest zipped up version from

Download a compatible JDK version (generally version 11) from

Edit your ~/.bashrc to add the JDK/bin to your PATH with the following line:

export PATH=/opt/jdk-11.*/bin:$PATH

After unzipping ghidra, launch with ./ghidraRun

Directory Structure

Wherever the folder ghidra_scripts is found, you can place scripts into and find in the Script Manager / Code Browser.

Generally, the user's home directory is most convenient: ~/ghidra_scripts. This folder should be created after running ghidra once.

Wherever you've unzipped ghidra, the java docs for the API can be found in:


Unzip the file to get the api folder where you can read the java docs.


Java docs location: docs/api/ghidra/program/flatapi/FlatProgramAPI.html

Online mirror is at:

These functions can be run without creating any objects and is usually what to start with to get the objects you need.

Important Objects

  • TaskMonitor - object used to show progress and for canceling an operation via the GUI

  • ProgramDB - object used to represent the currentProgram. Most other objects are obtained via some form of currentProgram.get*() method

  • FunctionDB - object used to represent a defined function

    • To get a list of all functions, get a FunctionIteratorDB from the listing object with: currentProgram.getListing().getFunctions(true)
  • Address - object used to represent a location in the program

    • To get a specific Address object from a string do: parseAddress("08048585") where 0x08048585 is the address in the binary
  • Reference - object used to represent a "from" address

  • Data - object used to represent data at an address

Listing / Managers / Factories


When in doubt, dump the object to view its member variables and instance methods:

Purpose: Dump object attributes to console
Input: 	 obj    some object whose type and attributes are unclear
Note: Especially helpful for learning how to interact with Ghidra API
def dump(obj):
    if debug:
        printf("[+] Dumping object attributes: %s\n", obj)
        printf("[+] Object type: %s\n", str(type(obj)))
        printf("[+] Attributes:\n")
    for attr in dir(obj):
            printf("\t%-30s: %s\n", attr, getattr(obj,attr))
            # Write only object, cannot get value
            printf("\t%-30s: %s\n", attr, "ERROR: Cannot get value")

Or use the auto-complete in ghidra's python interpreter by pressing tab.


Coming from IDA, we may wonder where are the cross references?

Fear not, we use getReferencesTo(Address) to get a list of references to the user-specified address.

headless mode

The headless analyzer script is located in support/analyzeHeadless.

There are a lot of flags for running it as can be seen here

Some simple examples is to do:

  • analyzeHeadless [project_directory] [project_name] -import [directory_of_binaries] - Import a directory of binaries into a new project and analyze
  • analyzeHeadless [project_directory] [project_name] -process [project_file] - Process a specific file imported into an existing project.

useful flags

-preScript [ghidra_script_name] - Run a specific ghidra script before the default analyze scripts.

-postScript [ghidra_script_name] - Run a specific ghidra script after the default analyze scripts.

Note: the [ghidra_script_name] is not the full file path, it will grab the name from a ghidra_scripts folder.


look at for some accessible methods

The decompiler is a C++ binary located in Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/os/linux64/decompile.

The program takes XML input via stdin. Ghidra will shell-out decompilation to this binary.

The source code can be found at:

An important file to read is docmain.hh which describes the 14 steps of the decompiler analysis engine in great detail.

pcode emulator

my guess is to look at ghidra.pcode.emulate

some examples:


sleigh is ghidra's processor specification language

relevant processor spec files (which are mostly XML) are located in: Ghidra/Processors/

Some of the relevant file conventions are:

  • .ldefs - processor metadata
  • .cspec - calling conventions of the processor
  • .slaspec - declaration of endianness and stuff
  • .sla - compiled form for ELF relocations


  • allegedly, the regex in docs/api/search.js can be changed to match more stuff in the web search of the java docs.
  • at the moment, there is no good way to change the graph view colors from the API. so ghetto dark mode exists by going to Edit -> Tool Options -> Tool -> Use Inverted Colors
  • generally, the workflow is to prototype a script in python and if it becomes a bigger thing, develop the plugin in java

cool projects

synchronize debugging with disassembly

improving analysis

using ghidra for other tools

UI colors



intro to ghidra scripting guide






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