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An index/db for storing wiki-graph relationships -- and tree relationships!


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A WikiBonsai Project NPM package


An index/db for tracking complex relationships in collections, such as personal wikis, with support for a semantic tree.

🍄 Cultivate connections in your 🎋 WikiBonsai digital garden.


Install with npm:

npm install caudex


If you have some file data you want to store or index...

import { Caudex } from 'caudex';

let fileData = [
    id: '<some-unique-id>',
    filename: 'fname',
    uri: '/uri',
    title: 'Title',
    type: 'default',
  // ...
const caudex = new Caudex(fileData);

...Or just a web (graph):

import { Base } from './base';
import { Web } from './web';

class WebOnlyCaudex extends Web(Base) {}
const web = new WebOnlyCaudex(fileData);

...Or just a tree:

import { Base } from './base';
import { Tree } from './tree';

class TreeOnlyCaudex extends Tree(Base) {}
const tree = new TreeOnlyCaudex(fileData);


Caudex is synchronously implemented, but asynchronous access can be facilitated by turning on the thread option:

import { Caudex } from 'caudex';

let opts = { thread: true };
const caudex = new Caudex(fileData, opts);

Then subsequent calls to caudex will use mutex locks to ensure atomic access to the internal index. Remember to acquire the lock before performing actions on the caudex. For example, a call to has()...

// node with id '1'

...turns into:

           .then((release) => { // node with id '1'
                                const res: boolean = locky.has('1');
                                return res;


There is some terminology that will help in understanding the innerworkings of the caudex as well as the internal variable name choice.

Data Structures

  • Base: Basic functions of the index, such as storing the hash map of node id's to nodes and the ability to add/edit/remove nodes.
  • Tree: A hierarchical structure; good for ordering information.
  • Web: A graph structure; good for associative traversal.

Under the hood, the caudex is essentially one hash table whose keys are node ids and values are the nodes themselves. Properties (all()) and actions (add(), edit(), rm()) are all functions being run over the hash table to calculate the desired data. This implementation mirrors pointers, since javascript/typescript doesn't have them. So, in pointer parlance, to "pass around a reference" you pass around a node id and to "dereference a pointer" in order to obtain the value (node) from the key (node id) in the hash table.

Mirroring pointer behavior allows for implementing tree and graph data structures that are truer to form. And, since most everything is a function, tree and web related functions are grouped into mix-ins that can be used (or not) based on need. By using the main caudex, which contains both tree and web functions, a hybrid tree-web data structure can be leveraged. ("web" can be thought of as synonymous with the computer science "graph" data structure)

The "base" portion handles all operations that would be expected in either the tree or web data structures, such as adding, editing, or removing a node.

Function Kinds

  • Properties: Methods that return a property of either the caudex or some node(s).
  • Relational Properties: Methods that return relationship information of some node(s).
  • Actions: Methods that perform some action on the caudex or some node(s).

As said before, the caudex is essentially a hash with a collection of functions to answer questions about the hash table. It is helpful to think of each function as fitting into one of a few categories that dictate how the function works and what it will return.

"Properties" are functions that describe the state of the caudex. For example, all() returns all of the node ids that currently exist and nodetypes() returns all of the nodetypes that exist.

"Relational properties" are functions that describe relationships between nodes and often take an id: string argument. For example, ancestors(id: string) returns an array of node ids that form the ancestry of the node with the given id and backlinks(id: string) returns an array of node ids who contain the node with the given id in its links.

Generally speaking, "property" and "relational property" functions will accept a QUERY_TYPE in addition to the required arguments. This can alter the return type based on need. For example, instead of receiving an array of node ids, by adding QUERY_TYPE.NODE, an array of all the nodes would be returned instead. See individual function docs for details.

Finally, "Actions" are functions that perform some action on the caudex or a node in the caudex. For example, add(data: any) will parse the data payload and add a new node based on the data if it is valid and edit(id: string, key: any, newValue: any) updates the value for a node with the given id at the givne key.

Other Terms

There are also wikibonsai-specific terminologies that you can read more about here.


'Properties', 'Relational Properties', and 'Actions' are all just methods. But properties describe the state of the caudex and relational properties describe the state of a node within the caudex, whereas actions change the state of the caudex.

Properties can be called with a QUERY_TYPE, which will determine the type of data returned.



all(): string[]

Returns all node ids in the caudex.

nodetypes(): string[]

Returns an array of all nodetypes in the caudex.

zombies(): string[]

Returns an array of node ids for all zombie nodes in the caudex.


has(id: string): boolean

Verifies if a node id exists in the caudex; returns true if it does and false if it does not.

flushData([id: string]): boolean

Flushes / deletes node data. If no id is given, all data for all nodes is deleted. If an id is provided, then just the node data for the node with that id is flushed / deleted.

flushRels(): boolean

Flushes / deletes all node relationships, including family (tree) relationships and reference relationships (web) -- in the caudex.

clear(): void

Delete the entire caudex.

add(data: any[, typeinfo: NodeTypeInfo]): Node | undefined

Add a new node to the caudex with the given data payload. If the node was added, whether successfully or by generating a zombie node, return the Node. If no node was created successfully, then undefined is returned.

If an id is included in the data payload, it will be used as the node's id. If not, a new id will be generated for the node internally.

edit(id: string, key: any, newValue: any): boolean

Edit the node with the given id so that its key points to thew newValue. Returns true if the edit was successful and false if it failed.

fill(id: string, data: any): Node | undefined

Fill the zombie node with the given id via the given data payload. If the population was successful, the now-not-zombie-node will be returned. If population was not successful, undefined will be returned.

get(id: string): Node | undefined

Get the node with the given id. Returns the node if found and undefined if not found.

find(key: any, value: any): Node | undefined

Find a node in the caudex where it has a given key with the given value in its data. Returns the node if one is found and undefined if none is found.

This action requires that the key is one of the caudex's uniqDataKeys. If is not, try using filter instead.

filter(key: any, value: any): Node[] | undefined

Find all nodes in the caudex whose given key matches the given value. Returns an array of nodes with valid matches and undefined if none are found.

Alternatively, if the key is one of the caudex's uniqKeys find may be used instead to find a specific node.

rm(id: string): boolean

Remove / delete a node from the caudex with the given id. Returns true if the node was deleted successfully and false if not.



root(): string | undefined

Returns the id of the root of the tree or undefined if none is set.

orphans(treeIDs: string[]): string[] | undefined

Returns all of the ids of orphan nodes in the tree of the caudex.

treeIDs defines what nodes should be considered part of the tree.

Relational Properties

ancestors(id: string): string[]

Return an array of node ids for all ancestor nodes (all nodes along the path from the root to the target node) to the node with the given id.

parent(id: string): string

Return the node id for the parent (the node above, which points the target node) of the node with the given id.

siblings(id: string): string

Return an array of node ids for the siblings (all nodes at the same level as the target node) of the node with the given id.

children(id: string): string

Return an array of node ids for the children (all nodes one level below the target node) of the node with the given id.

descendants(id: string): string

Return an array of node ids for the descendents (all nodes below the target node) of the node with the given id.

lineage(id: string): string

Return an array of node ids for the lineage (all ancestors and descendents, excluding the target node) of the node with the given id.

level(id: string): number

Returns the numeric level of the target node.



Flush / delete family relationships in the caudex.

graft(parentID: string, childID: string, force: boolean = false): boolean

Graft a node with the given childID to another node with the given parentID. Setting force to true will skip tree validation, which means the tree's structure won't be verified but grafting will complete faster.

To perform subtree-sized changes, see transplant().

replace(source: string, target: string): Node | undefined

Replace a source node's position in the tree with the target node via their IDs. The updated target node is returned on success.

transplant(subrootID: string, subtree: { id: string, children: string[] }[]): boolean

Replace a subtree in the tree with another subtree. This will return true if the subtree was successfully "transplanted" and the result was a valid tree. Otherwise, the original tree will be left alone and the function will return false.

prune(parentID: string, childID: string, force: boolean = false): boolean

Prune a node with the given childID from another node with the given parentID. This method will fail if the node with the given childID has children. Setting force to true will skip tree validation, which means the tree's structure won't be verified but grafting will complete faster.

To perform subtree-sized changes, see transplant().


Print the tree to the console.



isolates(): string[] | undefined

Returns all of the ids of isolated nodes (nodes not connected to the web) in the graph of the caudex.

reftypes(): Set<string>

Return all reftypes in the caudex.

attrtypes(): Set<string>

Return all attrtypes in the caudex.

linktypes(): Set<string>

Return all linktypes in the caudex.

Relational Properties

(⚠️ coming soon!) forerefs(id: string): Attrs | undefined
(⚠️ coming soon!) backrefs(id: string): Attrs | undefined
foreattrs(id: string): Attrs | undefined

Returns foreward attributes for the given node id.

backattrs(id: string): Attrs | undefined

Returns back attributes fore the given node id.

forelinks(id: string): Links | undefined

Returns foreward links for the given node id.

backlinks(id: string): Links | undefined

Returns back links for the given node id.

foreembeds(id: string): Embeds | undefined

Returns foreward embeds for the given node id.

backembeds(id: string): Embeds | undefined

Returns back embeds for the given node id.

neighbors(id: string): string[]

Return an array of node ids for all neighbors / references.


flushRelRefs([id: string]): boolean

Flush / delete all reference relationships. If no id is given, flush all reference

connect(source: string, target: string, ref: REL.REF, type: string = ''): boolean

Connect a source node id to a target node id via the given ref kind (attr or link) and type text.

retype(oldType: string, newType: string[, type: REL.REF]): boolean
transfer(source: string, target: string, kind: REL.REF = REL.REF.REF): Node | undefined

Transfer the relationships from the source node to the target node via their IDs. Kind of relationships to transfer can be filtered by the kind var. Returns the target node on successful transfer.

disconnect(source: string, target: string, ref: REL.REF, type: string = ''): boolean

Disconnect a source node id from a target node id of the given ref kind (attr or link) and type text.



  1. Logo inspired by databases and caudexes -- especially this one.


An index/db for storing wiki-graph relationships -- and tree relationships!








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