">be me" is a small text adventure game in the style of a 4chan greentext, hosted on Newgrounds.
Note that the nature of greentexts is rooted in immature, asinine, sexual, random humour. It often becomes extremely problematic. I tried to capture that without allowing it to become offensive, but just understand that the hard-coded dialogue in this repo is, frankly, a little embarrassing to post.
I'm archiving this code publicly, as-is, including the random psd at the root (idk). It was completed in under 24 work-hours, so it's not the prettiest, but hopefully it'll help someone.
People can use it as reference for its architecture (which I think is suitable for small-medium text adventure games). It is essentially a series of state machines tied together. GameManager.cs is the most interesting class. If I were to expand it, there would be more classes like SchoolLocation.cs.
The fixed-width bitmap shader is also interesting, albeit not how I would recommend rendering bitmap fonts nowadays.
It also makes use of the newgrounds.io For Unity Library for achievements.
No attribution necessary, but consider following me on Twitter