This project uses 'Gosu', Gosu is a 2D game development library. There is just the master branch atm which contains the WIP game.
(Made in ruby)
Linux Installation Instructions:
Do "sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libpango1.0-dev
libgl1-mesa-dev libfreeimage-dev libopenal-dev libsndfile-dev libmpg123-dev"
(this is for the dependencies)
2: Do "sudo apt-get install ruby-dev" (If you dont already have ruby)
3: Do "gem install gosu" / "sudo gem install gosu" (if permission denied) (To install the required ruby gem)
Then download the files with git clone, go into terminal and "cd" into the directory, when there do: "./main.rb" I am currently creating this in VIM, because its a good editor 👍
go to the main branch to see most updated version
Going to turn into A RUBY GEM SOON SOon soon (aka never)