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Advent Of Code

My answers to Advent Of Code, done in Javascript/Typescript.


Install dependencies: npm install
Run locally: npm run start {path/to/file.ts}
To use Jest: npm run test {path/to/directory}

For VS Code debugger, run nodemon, then attach debugger that process.


  • Make paths absolute
  • Move input to be in their respective directories


  • .sort() doesn't sort number arrays the way you hope! It considers every array item as a string and compares UTF values 🤦🏼‍♂️. I ended up writing my own sort function for numbers, although you can also use TypedArray.sort().
  • WOW. console.log() slows things down like crazy, I had no idea. Case in point, try it on day15 part 2 (uncomment that line of code).