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About Wiloke CLI

Wiloke CLI is a PHP-CLI tool that helps you easily setup phpunit and commonly used components


To install Wiloke CLI, please run the following command line:

composer require --dev wilokecom/phpcli

Setting up PHPUnit Test for WordPress


# Generate PHPUnit Test inside a plugin
./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:unittest plugins sample-plugin

# Generate PHPUnit Test inside a theme
./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:unittest themes sample-theme


  • homeurl: Enter in your website url
  • rb: Rest Base. EG: wiloke/v2
  • testnamespace: Enter in your Unit Test Namespace. You can define your Unit Test Namespace under composer.json. EG: WilokeTests (1)
  • authpass: This feature is available since WordPress 5.6. To create your Application Password: Log into your site with your administrator account -> Profile -> My Profile -> Create an Application Password
  • admin_username: The username of your administrator account.
  • admin_password: The password of your administrator account.


./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:unittest plugins sample-plugin --homeurl= --rb=wiloke/v2 
--testnamespace=WilokeListingToolsTests --admin_username=admin --admin_password=admin --authpass=yourpass

(1): Define Unit Test testnamespace

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
          "WilokeTests\\": "tests/"

Generating Post Skeleton


./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:post-skeleton src --namespace=WilokeNamespace

src is a folder that you defined under autoload Psr-4 in composer.json.

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "WilokeNamespace\\": "src/"

Generating Message Skeleton


./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:message-factory src --namespace=WilokeNamespace

Generating Slack Post Message


./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:slack-message src --namespace=WilokeNamespace

Generating Prefix

./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:prefix src --namespace=WilokeNamespace --prefixDefine=MY_PREFIX
  • MY_PREFIX: You should define a prefix on init plugin file and put it there. EG: define('MY_PREFIX', 'wiloke_');

Generating Upload

Chạy lần lượt các commend line sau

./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:prefix src --namespace=WilokeNamespace
./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:message-factory src --namespace=WilokeNamespace
./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:upload src --namespace=WilokeNamespace

Generating Query

./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:query --namespace=WilokeNamespace

Generating Shortcode Structure


./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:shortcode MyShortcodeClass --namespace=WilokeNamespace

Generating Elementor

./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:elementor MyElementorClass --namespace=WilokeNamespace

Generating GrumPHP

Installing grumphp and php-cs-fixer

Run the following command line:
composer require phpro/grumphp friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer --dev

Or you can also add the following code to composer.json

"require-dev": {
    "phpro/grumphp": "^1.3",
    "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.17"

then run

composer update

Generating Wiloke grumphp configuration

./vendor/bin/wilokecli make:grumphp