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DeepCAD: Deep self-supervised learning for calcium imaging denoising


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DeepCAD: Deep self-supervised learning for calcium imaging denoising



This is a fork of the deepCAD repo for use by the Wilson lab at Harvard Medical School, applying deepCAD to fly brains.

We use deepCAD on GPUs via the O2 system at HMS. You will need to replace the eCommon ID 'ab714' in the below to your own ID.

Here is a quickstart on installinh deepCAD and using it on O2:

# Login to O2

# Get an O2 GPU
srun -n 1 --pty -t 26:00:00 -p gpu_quad --gres=gpu:1 --mem 24G bash
module load gcc/6.2.0 cuda/10.2 miniconda3/4.10.3 python/3.6.0

# Create a conda environment for deepCAD
conda init bash
conda create -n deepcad python=3.6
conda activate deepcad

# Install pytorch compatible with chosen CUDA
pip install torch==1.3.1
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

# Test cuda is available through torch
>>import torch

# Install other dependencies
conda install -c anaconda opencv scikit-learn scipy matplotlib
conda install scikit-image 
conda install -c conda-forge h5py pyyaml tensorboardx tifffile

# Clone deepCAD, this is a fork on the wilson-lab github
git clone git clone
# Download exemplar data
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O /home/ab714/DeepCAD/DeepCAD_pytorch/pth/ModelForPytorch/G_12_1199.pth
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O /home/ab714/DeepCAD/DeepCAD_pytorch/pth/ModelForPytorch/para.yaml
wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1WdRC-SaulA_CQfUWL3eSA1CEqBS9RjiV" -O /home/ab714/DeepCAD/DeepCAD_pytorch/datasets/DataForPytorch/noisy_6000frames.tif && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

# Example train
cd /home/ab714/DeepCAD/DeepCAD_pytorch/
conda activate deepcad
python train

# Example test
conda activate deepcad
python test

# Example debug mode, if you need it
python -m pdb --denoise_model ModelForPytorch \
--datasets_folder DataForPytorch \
--test_datasize 6000

# Exampple using fly data on data1
cd /home/ab714/DeepCAD/

# If something with the environment goes wrong, wipe and start again:
conda remove -n deepcad --all
conda info --envs

# Run from scratch
srun -n 1 --pty -t 26:00:00 -p gpu_quad --gres=gpu:1 --mem 24G bash
module load gcc/6.2.0 cuda/10.2 miniconda3/4.10.3 python/3.6.0
cd /home/ab714/DeepCAD/DeepCAD_pytorch/
conda activate deepcad
python train


Calcium imaging is inherently susceptible to detection noise especially when imaging with high frame rate or under low excitation dosage. However, calcium transients are highly dynamic, non-repetitive activities and a firing pattern cannot be captured twice. Clean images for supervised training of deep neural networks are not accessible. Here, we present DeepCAD, a deep self-supervised learning-based method for calcium imaging denoising. Using our method, detection noise can be effectively removed and the accuracy of neuron extraction and spike inference can be highly improved.

DeepCAD is based on the insight that a deep learning network for image denoising can achieve satisfactory convergence even the target image used for training is another corrupted sampling of the same scene [paper link]. We explored the temporal redundancy of calcium imaging and found that any two consecutive frames can be regarded as two independent samplings of the same underlying firing pattern. A single low-SNR stack is sufficient to be a complete training set for DeepCAD. Furthermore, to boost its performance on 3D temporal stacks, the input and output data are designed to be 3D volumes rather than 2D frames to fully incorporate the abundant information along time axis.

For more details, please see the companion paper where the method first appeared: "Reinforcing neuron extraction and spike inference in calcium imaging using deep self-supervised denoising".

Directory structure

|---DeepCAD_pytorch #Pytorch implementation of DeepCAD#
|---|---|---DataForPytorch #project_name#
|---|---|--- # Intermediate and final results#
|---|---|---DeepCAD-0.3.0 #executable jar file/.jar#
|---|---DeepCAD_java #java source code of DeepCAD Fiji plugin#
|---|---DeepCAD_tensorflow #Tensorflow implementation compatible with Fiji plugin#
  • DeepCAD_pytorch is the Pytorch implementation of DeepCAD.
  • DeepCAD_Fiji is a user-friendly Fiji plugin. This plugin is easy to install and convenient to use. Researchers without expertise in computer science and machine learning can learn to use it in a very short time.
    • DeepCAD_Fiji_plugin contains the executable .jar file that can be installed on Fiji.
    • DeepCAD_java is the java source code of our Fiji plugin based on CSBDeep.
    • DeepCAD_tensorflow is the Tensorflow implementation of DeepCAD, which is used for training models compatible with the Fiji plugin.

Pytorch code

PyTorch code is the recommended implementation of DeepCAD.

An upgraded version of this PyTorch code has been released and managed at another repository [new code link], with several new features such as much faster processing speed, low memory cost, improved pre- and post processing, multi-GPU acceleration, more stable performance, etc.


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch >= 1.3.1
  • NVIDIA GPU (24 GB Memory) + CUDA

Environment configuration

$ conda create -n deepcad python=3.6
$ source activate deepcad
$ pip install torch==1.3.1
$ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit -c pytorch 
  • Install other dependencies
$ conda install -c anaconda matplotlib opencv scikit-learn scikit-image
$ conda install -c conda-forge h5py pyyaml tensorboardx tifffile

Download the source code

$ git clone git://
$ cd DeepCAD/DeepCAD_pytorch/


Download the demo data(.tif file) [DataForPytorch] and put it into DeepCAD_pytorch/datasets/DataForPytorch..

Run the to start training.

$ source activate deepcad
$ python train

Parameters can be modified as required in If your GPU is running out of memory, you can use smaller img_h, img_w, img_s and gap_h, gap_h, gap_s.

$ os.system('python --datasets_folder --img_h --img_w --img_s --gap_h --gap_w --gap_s --n_epochs --GPU --normalize_factor --train_datasets_size --select_img_num')

--datasets_folder: the folder containing your training data (one or more stacks)
--img_h, --img_w, --img_s: patch size in three dimensions
--gap_h, --gap_w, --gap_s: the spacing to extract training patches from the input stack(s)
--n_epochs: the number of training epochs
--GPU: specify the GPU used for training
--lr: learning rate, please use the default value
--normalize_factor: a constant for image normalization
--training_datasets_size: the number of patches you extracted for training
--select_img_num: the number of slices used for training.


Download our pre-trained model (.pth file and .yaml file) [ModelForPytorch] and put it into DeepCAD_pytorch/pth/ModelForPytorch.

Run the to start the test process. Parameters saved in the .yaml file will be automatically loaded. If your GPU is running out of memory, you can use smaller img_h, img_w, img_s and gap_h, gap_h, gap_s.

$ source activate deepcad
$ python test

Parameters can be modified as required in All models in the --denoise_model folder will be tested and manual inspection should be made for model screening.

$ os.system('python --denoise_model --datasets_folder --test_datasize')

--denoise_model: the folder containing all the pre-trained models.
--datasets_folder: the folder containing the testing data (one or more stacks).
--test_datasize: the number of frames used for testing
--img_h, --img_w, --img_s: patch size in three dimensions
--gap_h, --gap_w, --gap_s: the spacing to extract test patches from the input stack(s)

Fiji plugin

To ameliorate the difficulty of using our deep self-supervised learning-based method, we developed a user-friendly Fiji plugin, which is easy to install and convenient to use (has been tested on a Windows desktop with Intel i9 CPU and 128G RAM). Researchers without expertise in computer science and machine learning can manage it in a very short time. Tutorials on installing and using the plugin has been moved to this page.


1. The performance of DeepCAD on denoising two-photon calcium imaging of neurite activities.

2. The performance of DeepCAD on denoising two-photon calcium imaging of large neuronal populations.

3. Cross-system validation.

Denoising performance of DeepCAD on three two-photon laser-scanning microscopes (2PLSMs) with different system setups. Our system was equipped with alkali PMTs (PMT1001, Thorlabs) and a 25×/1.05 NA commercial objective (XLPLN25XWMP2, Olympus). The standard 2PLSM was equipped with a GaAsP PMT (H10770PA-40, Hamamatsu) and a 25×/1.05 NA commercial objective (XLPLN25XWMP2, Olympus). The two-photon mesoscope was equipped with a GaAsP PMT (H11706-40, Hamamatsu) and a 2.3×/0.6 NA custom objective. The same pre-trained model was used for processing these data.


If you use this code please cite the companion paper where the original method appeared:

Li, X., Zhang, G., Wu, J. et al. Reinforcing neuron extraction and spike inference in calcium imaging using deep self-supervised denoising. Nat Methods (2021).

  title={Reinforcing neuron extraction and spike inference in calcium imaging using deep self-supervised denoising},
  author={Li, Xinyang and Zhang, Guoxun and Wu, Jiamin and Zhang, Yuanlong and Zhao, Zhifeng and Lin, Xing and Qiao, Hui and Xie, Hao and Wang, Haoqian and Fang, Lu and others},
  journal={Nature Methods},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group}


DeepCAD: Deep self-supervised learning for calcium imaging denoising







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  • Python 96.7%
  • Shell 3.3%