This is an always up-to-date quick reference guide to social media image sizes for proper profile building, image and link sharing, and new posts. (References and sources listed at the bottom). Is something outdated? Want to add info? See: Contributing
- Header Image - 1500 x 500
- Profile Photo - 400 x 400
- Post Image - 1024 x 512 (displays inline as 506 x 253)
- Twitter Card: twitter:card = summary_large_image - 2:1 ratio (300 x 157 min, 4096 x 4096 max)
- Twitter Card: twitter:card = player
- Cover Photo (profile and page) - 851 x 315
- Profile Photo - 320 x 320
- Post Link Image - 1200 x 630 (600 x 315 min)
- Event Image - 1920 x 1080 (400 x 150 min)
- Event Video - 1920 x 1080 or Square (2:1 or 1:1)
- App Icon - 111 x 74
- Note Cover Photo - 1200 x 445
Profile Background - 1584 x 396
Profile Photo - 200 x 200 min
Linkedin Company / Career pages
- Overview Tab, Logo Image - 300 x 300
- Overview Tab, Overview Tab Image - 360 x 120
- Overview Tab, Cover Image - 1536 x 768
- Life Tab, Hero Image - 1128 x 376
- Life Tab, Custom Modules - 502 x 282
- Life Tab, Company Photos - 900 x 600
- Company Updates Posts - 1200 x 627 (1.91:1)
- Cover Photo - 2560 x 1440
- Video Thumbnail - 1280 x 720 (that's HD yo)
- Profile - 400 x 400 (any square, displays as 168 circle)
- Post Image - 600 x 900 (2:3 ratio, up to 1560 tall max before gets cut off)
- (description copy - 400 char max)
- Article / Shop Cover - 756 x 377
- Board Cover - 377 x 377
- Recommended 1:1 ratio with a minimum of 600px* width, 1200px recommended. Landscape images with a ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5 are also supported as of 2015.
- If creating an Instagram ad, minimum 1200px width is recommended so it can also be run on Facebook
- Instagram Story - 1080 x 1920
- Profile (Identicon) Picture - 500 x 500
- Post Image - 1280 x 1920 (500 x 750 min before scaling)
- Profile & Post Cover - 1500 x 1200
- Site Icon (Customizer -> Site Identity -> Site Icon) - 512 x 512
- Theme Screenshot Size - 1200 x 900 (.png preferred)
- Plugin Icon Sizes - 256 x 256, and 128 x 128
- Plugin Header Sizes - 1544 x 500, and 772 x 250
- (general info here: theme screenshot.(png/jpg) goes into theme root. plugin images go into an /assets/ directory as such: banner-1544x500.png, banner-772x250.png, icon-128x128.png, icon-256x256.png)
- Profile Banner - 1200 x 380 (<3Mb)
- Video Offline Banner - 1920 x 1080 (or 1280 x 720, just 16x9 ratio)
- Subscriber Emoticons - 28 x 28, 56 x 56, and 112 x 112 (png, 25kb or less each)
- Subscriber Badges - 18 x 18, 36 x 36, and 72 x 72 (25kb or less each)
- Panel Images - 320 (no height required but common is 100)
- Header Logo - 320 x 132 (png, 35kb or less)
- Profile & Tracks - 1400 x 1400 (800 x 800 min)
- Profile Image - 120 x 120 min (any square resizes)
- Profile Summary Header - 578 x 116 (will crop to this size)
It's just a pain to go searching for this information to update company, personal and client profiles and with as much as it changes per site there needs to be one area for it. There are a lot of posts with infographics and too much wording. This is fast and simple. Plus I made it a repo instead of a Gist so people can help me update it. See: Contributing
- As most profile images are square - It's best to just have a 600x600ish image that you can use for all the square profile photos and let the sites resize them to what they want
- All sizes here are in pixels (px)
- If there's a single size listed here, that's the width meaning height doesn't matter in that case
- (twitter card summary large image)
- (fb cover photo)
- (fb profile pic)
- (fb profile and cover photo)
- (fb sharing images)
- (linkedin profile bg)
- (linkedin company pages)
- (also was emailed a pptx from pinterest biz)
- Twitch: channel page, sub badges, sub emotes