CIlib - Computational Intelligence Library (
Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 - CIRG@UP Computational Intelligence Research Group (CIRG@UP) Department of Computer Science University of Pretoria South Africa
CIlib is a library of various computational intelligence algorithms. The goal of the project is to create a library that can be used and referenced by individuals.
Documentation is currently being compiled through an internal documentation process. The process might take a while, but feel free to aid us in our efforts by forking and sending us a pull request.
Please feel free to sumbit any bugs and / or feature requests using the issue tracker. Additionally, any pull requests are welcome - feel free to fork and send us some.
CIlib has a busy community, and we encourage you to join us. The developers and users may be contacted using either the project site / user forums or the developer mailing list. (Web site) (Developer mailing list) (User mailing list)