A Django app for managing hierarchical pages of content in multiple languages, on different sites.
Django CMS handles the navigation rendering for you in multiple languages with internationalization (i18n) slugs, and the navigation can be extended by your own models.
Pages are rendered with a template that has placeholders which get filled via plugins. Plugins included at the moment include the following:
- Text
- Picture
- Flash
- File
- Links
- HTML Snippets
Many more are in the works. Plugins are very easy to write and integrate with your own models.
The tree view supports full drag and drop and only shows the nodes for which you have sufficient permissions. A traditional list view is shown instead if search or filters are activated.
The edit page view. "Right-Column" and "Body" are placeholders in the default template. If a different template were chosen, its corresponding placeholders would appear instead.
If you select a plugin you can edit it. The text plugin has the unique capability that you can place plugins directly into the text flow. So links inserted with the link plugin stay up-to-date even if pages are moved in the tree and the URLs change.
You can see the very latest documentation in the docs directory of the cms app here. Installation instructions are in the installation.md file. Note that the documentation is written with Markdown. If you view the files through github, they will be formatted fairly well. Various tools are available for converting Markdown to HTML if you wish to edit the docs, including the original markdown program (written in Perl) and python-markdown.
You can also visit the project website at django-cms.org or #django-cms on freenet IRC for more info.
For a feature comparison of all the CMS apps available for django see CMSComparison.
This is a fork of django-page-cms. Some icons are from http://www.famfamfam.com