3D Tools for the Windows Presentation Foundation
The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) comes with an easy-to-use 3D framework which is essentially a wrapper around DirectX. Although the performance is not as high as it would be when using Direct3D directly, it's good enough for simple scenarious, and it's definitely fun to play around with it.
WFTools3D makes using WPF 3D even more simple and more fun. The heart of this library is a WPF FrameworkElement that brings the world of 3D into your visual tree: class Scene3D.
The Scene3D has a 'Models' property of type Visual3DCollection. Although you can add any ModelVisual3D object to this property to populate the scene, it's easier to use Object3D and Primitive3D objects.
An Object3D derives from ModelVisual3D and makes it very easy to scale, rotate and translate an object in 3D space. Primitive3D is an extension to Object3D and adds flesh and bones to the object. Or more correctly: a mesh and materials.
Class Scene3D also has 3 built-in cameras which again can be rotated and translated very easily. A highlight for sure is the 'Speed' property of the cameras which makes them fly in their look direction. Using the mouse you can now change yaw, pitch and roll angles just like in a flight simulator.
A NuGet package is available here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/WFTools3D/