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WFX reversed crypto economics model (to be updated)

wolfxpack edited this page Feb 17, 2019 · 3 revisions

WOLF block reward stages : WFX reversed crypto economics model

1. 3000  until block three thousand we have a thirty coin reward, at this point no masternodes are rewarded as the network is being mined, early miners are able to get enough to run a masternode ( 90,000 WFX are created in this period)
 30  ---> six(6) masternodes can be created after this period, miners get %100 rewards (60/40 when masternodes are active on the network)

2. 20000 The next 17 thousand blocks we have an increased amount of 10 (1/3 added). Our network will have masternodes which should half the block reward for miners from the 30 scaled up to 40,  (680,000 WFX are created in this period)

40 ---> forty five point three three and so on (45.33333) masternodes can be created,

note: as master node count grows the rewards time are less period per node. -upscale for nodes and miner- 51 possible masternodes 30 coins for masternodes 20 for miners (same as x16r pow for mn 1/3 added for miners).

3. 40000  the next 20 thousand blocks we have increased amount of 10 (1/4 added)    

50-------> (680,000 WFX are created in this period) possible (66) masternodes added total: 117

  1. 100000 upscale point -- block reward has returned to 24 for miners more masternodes have been created and rewards have been added to scale up for this, 36 coins for nodes. 60 ----> (3,600,000 WFX added) possible 240 masternodes

5.120000 scale up for 20k blocks +10 short evening period more miners have joined scaled mn count has completed 70 ----> (1.2 million WFX added) 80 extra masternodes possible

  1. 240000 long period over the next 120k blocks we see 60 coins to miners 90 for masternodes -- upscaled for growth 150 ----> 18 million coins added (1200 possible masternodes)

note:we expect only 50% of total coin in masternode count , roughly . Other WFX are used in trades and buying on goods marketplace & exchange

ph(7). 280000 80 ph(8). 500000 Phase 7/8/9 scale down to consider the above "note" but close to tripple original WFX rewards > ph(7) This takes into count mn node on network and miners averages out to reward all on the network 90

  1. 5354339 Phase 8/9 are constants (5-10 yrs time) 100

1.5mil block 1-3 reserved for 100 masternodes this will link with WFX exchange when announced