TLP means teaching learning packages for non-English native students. This simple script helps you translate all Microsoft Office documents and PDF in a folder recursively. Runs this script target to a share drive (Onedrive), translate all files, and saves it back to another folder.
For Windows, install Python 3, and open powershell run
It creates Python virtual environment in .venv folder.
- Setup gcloud cli (Just use the installer.)
- Run
gcloud init
and you can pick any setup as the Python code will set region and project ID. - Run
gcloud auth application-default login
Open, and change the constant.
# Constants
PROJECT_ID = "cyrus-testing-2023"
SOURCE_PATH = r"C:\Users\cyrus\OneDrive - Vocational Training Council - Staff\AY2324_Validation_VQ"
DESTINATION_PATH = os.path.join(
r"C:\Users\cyrus\OneDrive - Vocational Training Council - Staff\Translated TLP\\", TARGET_LOCALE
TARGET_LOCALE please check*gflylq*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlvW2BhDyARIsADnIe-LB58TQscwOoPpASZ3yx9Twr2cnrVqzca5tzjY6GBpG0TG1BHzr_28aAl0AEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Activates the virtual environment and run
python .\