py.NMR is a Python program for easily applying scaling factor to computed magnetic shielding
py.NMR reads a Gaussian output of NMR calculation and extracting magnetic shielding tensor (the isotropic value) from output. When users run py.NMR, a specification of output path is necessary.
Gaussian output file:
(e.g.: /pyNMR/examples/benzene.log)
Then, users need to specify the element symbol of which element will be investigated. For 1H NMR, input: "H", and press ENTER key. The element symbol is case-sensitive, "Ca" and "ca" are different. After that, the magnetic shielding tensors (in ppm) will be displayed.
Please specify the element (case-sensitive): H
No. Atom Sigma (ppm)
5 H 27.1579
7 H 27.8845
13 H 28.8314
14 H 29.6048
15 H 29.1709
17 H 29.0782
18 H 28.8309
19 H 28.5883
26 H 23.9736
27 H 22.8661
28 H 24.0874
29 H 23.9366
36 H 23.2589
37 H 23.9442
38 H 24.1095
39 H 23.9661
50 H 24.0595
51 H 23.2576
52 H 24.0859
53 H 23.8234
60 H 23.3369
61 H 24.1041
62 H 24.0658
63 H 23.8437
65 H 23.1876
72 H 23.7747
73 H 23.5156
74 H 23.5790
76 H 23.1841
78 H 23.6839
81 H 29.4230
82 H 29.2679
84 H 25.9964
86 H 25.9800
If user inputted an element which was not existed in the output, or non-element character, program will be terminated with an error message:
Did not find element X, program termination.
The NMR scaling factor could be applied to get more accurate chemical shift. To apply the scaling factor, input "y" in following message:
Apply scaling fator? (y/n): y
Then, users need to specify the scaling factor, slope and intercept, and press ENTER key. The scaled chemical shift (in ppm) will be displayed in current windows.
Please specify the slope and intercept:
-1.0592 31.9654
No. Atom Delta (ppm)
5 H 4.5388
7 H 3.8528
13 H 2.9588
14 H 2.2287
15 H 2.6383
17 H 2.7258
18 H 2.9593
19 H 3.1883
26 H 7.5451
27 H 8.5907
28 H 7.4377
29 H 7.5801
36 H 8.2199
37 H 7.5729
38 H 7.4168
39 H 7.5522
50 H 7.464
51 H 8.2211
52 H 7.4391
53 H 7.6869
60 H 8.1462
61 H 7.4219
62 H 7.4581
63 H 7.6678
65 H 8.2872
72 H 7.7329
73 H 7.9775
74 H 7.9177
76 H 8.2905
78 H 7.8186
81 H 2.4003
82 H 2.5467
84 H 5.6354
86 H 5.6509
The magnetic shielding tensors (and scaled chemical shift, if avaibable) will be saved as a .txt file in the same dictionary.
A .txt file will be saved at same dictionary with the output file.
If scaling factors were applied, a .xlsx file would be saved to plot NMR spectrum. The peak broadening is based on Lorentizan function, users can draw the scaled NMR spectrum with the data points in saved Excel file. The default parameters for NMR spectrum range is from 9.5 ppm to -0.5 ppm, and half-width at half height is 0.01 ppm. Users can modify these parameters by input menu number. The current setting would be displayed in command windows, press ENTER to use current parameters.
Scaled NMR spectrum will be saved in .xlsx file
1 - Spectrum range: from 10.5 to -0.5 ppm
2 - Peak half-width at half height: 0.01 ppm
Press ENTER to use current setting, or input menu number
to modify the parameters: 2
Please specify the half-width at half height:
Scaled NMR spectrum will be saved in .xlsx file
1 - Spectrum range: from 10.5 to -0.5 ppm
2 - Peak half-width at half height: 0.03 ppm
Press ENTER to use current setting, or input menu number
to modify the parameters: (ENTER)
A .xlsx would be saved in the same dictionary. And user can plot the spectrum with these data!
Smaller split value for NMR plot is adapted. (0.001 ppm in v2.1, 0.05 ppm in older versions)
- Now .txt will be automatically saved in current dictionary.
- Lorentzian function will be applied to scaled chemical shift and the spectrum data would be saved as a .xlsx file in current dictionary.
Updated UI.
First pre-release of py.NMR.