Use Postgis to store a Shapefile. Then create a Mapfile with WMS and WFS capabilities to be rendered in a web application.
- get some datasets from LINZ (raster as image with world file & vector as shapefile)
- load shapefile into Postgis with shp2pgsql - so you need to create a new Postgres database & install Postgis first
- connect to the DB with QGIS & open the image & table to check they work
- create a mapfile for mapserver to provide a WMS feed for the image & WFS feed for the coastline
- see if you can successfully connect to the web service & get a capabilities document using a browser
- connect to these with QGIS & check that the web services look the same as the direct connections
- set up a web page with leaflet that connects to these web services & displays the layers on a web map - with a standard Leaflet base map as a context layer if you like.
The in each folder goes into detail about the process required for each step.