Setting up RAK831 using in AS923 Thailand
- Install Software in RPI3 lite version
- Config RPI3 to use SPI and Install LoRaWan Gateway
if you choos NO you can fill data gateway name, description, Lat,Lon,Alt, Email
- Clone the installer and start the installation Choos NO
$ git clone -b spi ~/ic880a-gateway
$ cd ~/ic880a-gateway
$ sudo ./ spi
- Change global_conf.json in /opt/ttn-gateway/bin with example file
$ cd /opt/ttn-gateway/bin
$ sudo nano global_conf.json
#There should be a start script at
$ sudo nano /opt/ttn-gateway/bin/
At the beginning of this script you will find some lines to generate a reset on pin 25. Change the pin number from “25” to “17”.
and finally Register gateway to TTN
- Register Gateway Login to ttn account and we go to Console --> Gateways --> Register gateway Let check the box saying "I'm using the legacy packet forwarder" and we are here :
Hit that "Register Gateway" button !!!!!!
- Test