PWRC source code release. Author : Qingbo Wu Version : Beta1.0
The authors are with the School of Information and Communication Engineeri- ng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
This research aims to develop more reasonable and reliable rank correlation indicator (RCI) to evaluate different IQA models. When two different ranki- ng results share the same spearman's or kendall's rank correlation coeffic- ients, we intuitively illustrate that they could recommend completely diff- erent enhancement results. Both the objective and subjective tests confirm that a user-friendly RCI tends to reward the capability of correctly ranki- ng high-quality images and suppress the attention towards insensitive rank mistakes.
-------------------------COPYRIGHT NOTICE---------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2018 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China All rights reserved.
For researchers and educators who wish to use the code for non-commercial research and/or educational purposes, we can provide access under the fo- llowing terms:
- Researcher shall use the code only for non-commercial research and ed- ucational purposes.
- Researcher accepts full responsibility for his or her use of the code and shall defend and indemnify University of Electronic Science and T- echnology of China, including their employees, Trustees, officers and agents, against any and all claims arising from Researcher's use of t- he code.
- Researcher may provide research associates and colleagues with access to the code provided that they first agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
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---------------------------Instructions------------------------------------ This is a MATLAB implementation of the perceptually weighted rank correlat- ion (PWRC) indicator. If this code is helpful for your research, please ci- te the following paper in your bibliography, i.e.,
- Q. Wu, H. Li, F. Meng and K. N. Ngan, "A Perceptually Weighted Rank Cor- relation Indicator for Objective Image Quality Assessment", IEEE Transa- ctions on Image Processing, In Press, 2018.
LIVE_SSIM.mat: SSIM scores computed on LIVE II database
./DB_image: fig_lena_org: Original image for Lena fig_lena_block: Image compressed by H.264/AVC encoder (QP=47) fig_lena_rank1~5: Deblocked versions of fig_lena_block. Deblocking software:
The script demo.m shows how to compute the PWRC between the predicted i- mage quality scores and the DMOS. The vector representation PWRC_th is used for drawing the SA-ST curve. The scalar representation AUC is used for quantitative comparison;
The script rational_test.m reproduces the image fusion results for the predicted ranks S8 and S9. In this example, S8 and S9 are considered eq- uivalent to each other in terms of SRCC and KRCC. But, S8 produces bett- er image fusion result than S9, which is correctly measured by our PWRC. More explanations could refer to Figs. 6-7 in our paper.
Notice: We have tested our software under the Windows 7-64bit OS. This is a vani- lla version. If you have any suggestions or corrections in the usage of this code, please feel free to contact