Gio related links
- Gio Website
- Community call recordings
- Gio Examples Repository
- Gio Unstable/Experimental Libraries, includes:
- more material design components
- radial, grid, and table layouts
- haptic feedback
- notifications
- event management utilities
- user device preference access
- a simple color picker
- Gio OpenCollective
- Gio Canvas
- Compute, compute shaders on the CPU
- IconVG
- Polyline, draw polylines
- Material design icons, Material design icons
- Hyperlink, open hyperlinks
- Webview, web viewer
- P5, Processing like API to draw shapes
- nucular, alternative immediate-mode GUI framework in Go; supports Gio, shiny, and metal as graphical backends. Originally a source-port of nuklear.
- Scatter, an implementation of the Signal protocol over email.
- godcr, a cross-platform desktop wallet for the Decred cryptocurrency.
- sprig, a client for the Arbor chat system.
- Arbor
- Kanban
- Frost, Wannabe matrix client
- Iconx, Browser for Material icons
- sjqm, Chinese astrology calendar
- gdlv, GUI front-end for the Delve debugger, supports Gio as a backend for nucular.
- Diagram, Diagram drawing
- Blocks, Tetris clone
- Protonet, A P2P chat app for Android
- photon Fast RSS reader as light as a photon
- Novel State Management in Gio, Simplify state management by respecting the frame lifecycle: load data at the start of the frame and save data at the end of the frame.
- GIO iOS app install tutorial, Tutorial for building Gio applications for iOS and trying them on your device.