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Release Procedures Persist

DDieterich edited this page Jan 7, 2019 · 1 revision

Pre-Release Checklist

Use minimum environment for testing (OracleXE 11g)

  • Update RELEASE_NOTES.txt Notes ("/src/core" folder)
  • Review installation ("src/core" folder)
    • Confirm test_all.sql results
    • Set test_allO.LST
    • Confirm uninstall.sql
    • set uninstallO.LST
    • Confirm install.sql
    • Set installO.LST
  • Confirm Demo Release
  • Upgrade ("src/core/upgrade/V1.1.0_to_Current" folder)
    • Review file changes from RELEASE_NOTES.txt
    • Create upgrade scripts
    • Uninstall current release (including Demo)
    • Install previous release
    • Check previous release test_all.sql
    • Run upgrade
    • Check current release test_all.sql
    • Install and confirm demo
  • Repeat for Downgrade ("src/core/downgrade/Current_to_V1.1.0" folder)
  • Review README.txt
    • "src/core" folder
    • "src/core/upgrade/V1.1.0_to_Current" folder
    • "src/core/downgrade/Current_to_V1.1.0" folder
  • Update Documentation
    • Review Markdown files in "docs" and "docs" folder
    • Run "md-to-htm.bat" in "docs" and "docs" folder
  • Update Call_Tree_Diagrams
  • Update ER Diagram (SQL*Developer) in "docs/core" folder
    • File --> Data Modeler --> Import --> Data Dictionary
    • wtp@XE, Next
    • WTP, Next
    • Select all Tables, Next
    • Finish
    • Close View Log
    • Right Click, View Details --> PK, FK, UK Columns Only
    • Right Click, Layout --> Resize Objects to Visible
    • Right Click, Layout --> Auto Layout --> Layout 3
    • Move Tables until all feet point down
    • File --> Data Modeler --> Print Diagram --> To PDF File
    • wtPLSQL/docs/core/ER_Diagrams.pdf, Save
  • Generate DB Docs (SQL*Developer) in "docs/core" folder
    • (Delete all files in wtPLSQL/docs/core/DBDocs)
    • Connections --> Right Click on Schema --> Generate DB Doc...
    • Set Output Directory wtPLSQL/docs/core/DBDocs
  • Review wiki and update Compatibility page
  • Review installation procedure on Release Page


GitHub Help Creating Releases

  • Commit/Push
  • Go to Releases
  • Draft a new release
  • Enter version number
  • Select a branch (Master)
  • Enter a title and description
  • Publish release

Post-Release Tasks

  • Update src/core/ - After each release, update the version data in to the next major release.
  • Update "src/core/upgrade"
    • Rename "V1.1.0_to_Current" folder to "V1.1.0_to_V1.2.0".
    • Create new "Current" folder.
  • Update "src/core/downgrade"
    • Rename "Current_to_V1.1.0" folder to "V1.2.0_to_V1.1.0".
    • Create new "Current" folder.
  • Update Projects
  • Create new branch for the current release (fetch; git branch 1.2.0 V1.2.0; push).
  • Update version numbers in this wiki page.

DB Docs Notes

  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • Triggers
  • Packages
  • Package Bodies
  • Procedures
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