Dynamic data visualizations for flask. This Extension makes it easy to show large data in a flask application. At the moment it only supports timeseries data and shows it in a line graph that can be dynamically zoomed and created. Performance is really good because only the data that the user has selected is send and rendered.
Warning: This is a very (limited) premature version!
Used Libs:
- jquery
- bootstrap (for styling)
- echarts
pip install flask-dataview
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pendulum
import random
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_dataview import FlaskDataViews, RangeTimeSeries
e = FlaskDataViews()
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=".")
class MySeries(RangeTimeSeries):
def get_range(self):
d1 = pendulum.now("utc").subtract(days=300)
d2 = pendulum.now("utc")
return (d1, d2)
def get_data_range(self, dt_from, dt_to):
out = []
cur = dt_from.replace(microsecond=0)
while cur < dt_to:
val = ((cur.int_timestamp / 3600) % 24) + random.random() * 10
out.append((cur.isoformat(), val))
cur = cur.add(minutes=10)
return out
@app.route('/', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def home():
data = [MySeries("temp"), MySeries("act"), MySeries("ph", active=False)]
mychart = e.basechart("myid1", "My Chart", series=data)
if mychart.is_post_request():
return mychart.data()
return render_template("template.html", chart=mychart)
Template HTML
{{ jquery_cdn }}
{{ echarts_cdn }}
{{ dataview_javascript }}
{{ bootstrap_cdn }}
<h1>Demo Charts</h1>
<div id="mydivid" style="height: 400px;"></div>
{{ chart.render("mydivid") }}
The subclass of RangeTimeSeries
should implement get_range
to return the full range of the data (minimum timestamp to maximum timestamp).
The method get_data_range
should return the data in the selected timerange in tuples of isoformat timestamps and float values.
python setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/*