🔭 I'm currently working on a project for IFTI3 at Instituto Ivoti called Cluster
🌱 I'm currently learning Tensorflow, Rust
💬 Ask me about React, Next.js
⚡ Fun fact: I love dragons, I think they're cute
🎨 I really enjoy drawing, especially Pokemon and Rainworld, I find them cute. You can see my progress on X.
I developed an application for sharing images, videos, and text (social network) with Next.js and other technologies (Prisma, Node.js, Node Mailer, React, PostgreSQL) for learning purposes using the TypeScript language.
I designed and programmed an application with Java, Python, and MySQL for a school project to improve life at the school cafeteria (Technological Project I). The application contained all the most common registrations (products, users, sales, and report generation).
I learned autonomously, with the Question-Driven Development (QDD) mindset, JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Java, C, and TypeScript. I also plan to start my journey in Rust and Keras.
You can go to my twitter (where I post some drawings too) or add me in discord .wynvern