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PML Extension for Visual Studio Code


Visual studio Code with a version greater than "^1.29.1"


It provides syntax highlight for Programmable Macro Language.

Supported File Types: .pmlfrm, .pmlmac, .pmlfnc, .pmlobj, .pmldat, .pmlcmd and .mac

Code Navigation

  • Starting with version 0.2.0, Go to symbol functionality was added for pml files.

    It can be triggered by one of two ways:

    • First Way:

      • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + shift + o
      • macOS : Cmd + shift + o
    • Second Way:

      • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + P, and typing @
      • macOS : Cmd + P, and typing @
  • Starting with version 0.2.0, Outline View display for methods in the current opened file.


Enable the support for tab-completion in Visual Studio code by setting:

"editor.tabCompletion": "on".

Then just type a snippet prefix, and press Tab to insert a snippet. Pressing tab again will move the cursor to different predefined areas.

As of this release it has the following snippets defined:

  • pmlform : Creates the basic scaffolding for a new pml form.
  • pmlformg: Creates the basic scaffolding for a new pml form with a grid. This will also add the following methods out of the box, besides the constructor:
    • rightClickGrid : Defines right click trigger functionality;
    • removeAll : Removes all grid Contents;
    • removeSelected : Removes Selected rows from Grid;
    • exportToExcel : Exports grid contents to .xls file;
    • initializeEmptyGrid : Initialize an empty grid & set up the columns;
    • appendToGrid(rows) : Add an array of rows to the grid.
  • pmlfunc : Creates the basic scaffolding for a new pml function.
  • pmlmet : Creates the basic scaffolding for a new pml method.
  • pmlobj : Creates the basic scaffolding for a new pml object.

Less significant snippets like:

  • pmlbut : Creates the basic code for adding a new button on a plm form.
  • using namespace : Suggests the most commonly used namespaces


  • PML Uglify will encrypt the pml file using a trivial encryption (for testing purposes).

Important Known issue: This "encryption" type does not support utf-8 files. If you use any non-ASCII characters in the script this will result in an error and/or will produce unwanted/unpredictable results!

Code Completion

  • Basic code completion logic added

Release Notes

For a full list of changes please check


  • Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2
  • Added Go to symbol functionality, to navigate between methods in an opened file.

For more information

All contributions are welcomed!


  • Check backward compatibility and update minimum requirements.


pml extension for Visual Studio Code






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Contributors 4
