RACE CAR! Sandy Shores composes of 3 laps and you need to complete them in under 60s! Do not worry, every time you pass a checkpoint it will increase your remaining time by 10s. Remember to check the window title to see your current progress :D
- Terranator is a good car. That's the main Key feature.
- Checkpoints that save your progress if you fall down.
- Funny sounds hehe
- You can double jump.
- DRIFT! Yes.
- WASD: Control the vehicle.
- SPACE-BAR: Jump.
- LCTRL: Drift.
- R: Respawn to the previous checkpoint.
- RETURN: Reset the whole game.
Remember to enable debug mode (F1) to access the keys.
- F2: Free camera movement. (Use RMB and move the move the mouse). Press again to restore values of the camera.
- 1: Enable/Disable impulse forces.
- 2: Enable/Disable friction forces.
- 3: Enable/Disable gravity forces.
- Y: Inrease gravity on X by 5.
- H: Decrease gravity on X by 5.
- U: Inrease gravity on Y by 5.
- J: Decrease gravity on Y by 5.
- I: Inrease gravity on Z by 5.
- K: Decrease gravity on Z by 5.
- O: Increase car mass by 10.
- L: Decrease car mass by 10.
- Jonathan Cacay - xGauss05
- Ethan Martín - Ethanm-0371
- Víctor Martín - VicMarBall
- Ariadna Sevcik - AriSevcik