Alphabet-List-Demo On CodeSandBox
Props | Type | Description |
data (required) | Array | An array of strings or objects. When it's an array of object, specify the name key of item in nameKey |
nameKey | String | A string that tells the name key of one item, undefined if data is string array |
style | Object | A style object. Styles for the container |
alphabetListStyle | Object | A style object. Styles for the container of the alphabet list navigation on the right. |
alphabetItemStyle | Object | A style object. Styles for each alphabet in the alphabet list navigation |
generateFn (required) | Function | A function that takes each item sent in the data array and returns the html to display |
const data = ["anything"];
if array of object is to be used
const data = [{ name: "anything" }];
const nameKey = "name";
generateFn={(item, index) => {
return <div key={item}>{item}</div>;
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