JSON-RPC notification bridge
notify-bridge transforms JSON-RPC notifications which it receives through POST requests into socket.io events. Basicly this means you can use this as a bridge to send push notifications out of PHP (or any other language) to your clients (=browsers).
Installation is quite simple if you have node installed:
$ npm install -g notify-bridge
There is also a standalone version availible. Look into the Downloads section for that.
Now you have a commandline tool called 'notify-bridge'. To get an idea about the configuration options type-in:
$ notify-bridge --help
This will output:
Usage: notify-bridge [options] --start
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --start Start the bridge
-i, --input-modules <list> The input Modules (default: notify-bridge-http)
-o, --output-modules <list> The output Modules (default: notify-bridge-socketio)
-hi, --http-ip <string> Bind the HTTP Server to an IP (default:
-hp, --http-port <string> On which port should the HTTP Server listen (default: 4440)
-ha, --http-auth <boolean> Use Basic Authentication (default: false)
-hu, --http-user <string> Basic Authentication Username (default: admin)
-hr, --http-password <string> Basic Authentication Password (default: admin)
-sp, --socketio-port <string> On which port should the Socket.IO Server listen (default: 4450)
As you can see, all you have todo to start the bridge with the default options is:
$ notify-bridge --start
Emitting notifications is done by sending POST requests to the bridge. The POST request must contain a field named 'rpc'. Within this field you send the JSON. This is an example using Curl from the commandline to trigger a notification 'update':
$ curl --data "rpc={\"method\":\"update\",\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\"}"
If you are using PHP as Endpoint you can also checkout notify-php for sending notifications.
To Receive the notifications from within the browser you at first have to include socket.io Javascript:
<script src="http://<your-host>:4450/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
Now create a connection to the bridge and listen for new notifications:
var socket = io.connect('<your-host>:4450/');
socket.on('update', function(data) {
console.log(data); // received a notification
Copyright (c) 2012 Simon Kusterer
Licensed under the MIT license.