Glacier change monitoring for the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau by using aster stereo image and icesat-2 and satellite images.
- 1.1 download aster stereo images on the website:
- 1.4 download tandem data from the website:
- 1.5 download srtm dem data by using scripts/ the srtm dem data is used as base map in our paper.
- Step1: raw data read in and write out to the specific region data, by using scripts/
- Step2: subset data to tiles by using scrpits/h5files/ the processing including:
- Search the .h5 files fall in the range of tiles.
- Merge the searched .h5 files.
- Subset the merged .h5 file to given tile.
- The elevation difference is calculated by using srtm dem data.
- The statistic of elevation difference (mean and std, et al.) for each tile of each year is obtianed.
- Step1: raw data read in and write out to the specific region data, by using scripts/
- Step2: subset data to tiles by using scrpits/h5files/ the processing including:
- Search the .h5 files fall in the range of tiles.
- Merge the searched .h5 files.
- Subset the merged .h5 file to given tile.
5.1 Aster dem evaluation by using the notebooks/dem_evaluate_atl06.ipynb and notebooks/dem_evaluate_galh14.ipynb.
- mask out the data/cryotempo-points/2021/cryotempo_points_merge.h5 by using data/rgi60/rgi60_setp_mask.tif