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development environment (tmux, neovim, etc)

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Folders and files

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4 Commits

Repository files navigation

⌛ System

play with macOS setting

① Display

+ scale

choose sacle -> more space -> night shift 

+ as host machine

-> advanced -> find prevent automatic sleeping on power adapter when the display is off

② Enable three finger drag

+ accessibility:

1) pointer control -> trackpad options -> enable dragging -> three finger drag
2) display -> reduce motion (enable)

③ Unnecessary apps

+ left with:

1) finder 
    + open finder 
    + go to view -> Show Path bar 
    + ctrl + click the icon on the path bar for copying the path
2) safari 
3) system preference

④ Desktop & Dock

+ hide dock:

1) set it automatically show
2) position it on anywhere other than bottom
3) go to the bottom for hot corner, setup screen saver
4) mission control (bottom) 
    + automatically rearrange spaces based on most use --> disable (no idea)
    + displays have separate spaces --> disable (no idea)

⑤ Control Center

+ Accessibility Shortcuts

1) show in Control Center, not in the menu bar
2) play with it 

+ scroll down spotlight

don't show in the Menu Bar

⑥ Mouse

+ replace by cursor pro:

Accessibility -> Zoom Option -> Hover text

1) Text 32pt 
2) Text font 
3) Activation modifier Option/Alt 
4) Play with color

⑦ Arrange Launchpad

{move unused app into one folder}

⑧ Appearance

+ highlight color

1) set favorite highlight color and accent color (usually purple)
2) set appearance to auto

⑨ Keyboard

+ input source

1) add pinyin 

2) do not check "Use the CAPSLOCK key to switch to and from U.S."

4) fn (do nothing)

4) add Unicode Hex Input (optional)
    - ∀: option + 2200
    - ∃: option + 2203
    - ¬: option + 00ac 
    - ∧: option + 2227 

5) cursor smoothness (make hjkl moving smooth inside nvim)
    + increase key repeat rate to the fastest 
    + drag Delay until repeat to the shortest

⑩ Keyboard Shortcuts

+ General Shortcuts

• Increase Indent (IDE): cmd + ] 
• Decrease Indent (IDE): cmd + [
• Move the cursor one word forward: Option + Right Arrow
• Move the cursor one word backwad: Option + Left Arrow

• Find Path: open finder => cmd + shift + g

+ Mission Control (for no touchpad situation)

• mission Control                       --> ctrl + up
• show notification center              --> ctrl + left
• application windows                   --> cmd + down
• show desktop                          --> ctrl + right
• move left a space                     --> cmd + left
• move right a space                    --> cmd + right

+ Launchpad

• turn Dock Hiding on/off               --> option + cmd + D
• show Launchpad                        --> ctrl + down

+ Spotlight

• uncheck both

+ App Shortcut

click "+"
Add shortcuts for the following apps (setup alacritty later)

| Alacritty |
    • Hide alacritty                    --> shift + cmd + alt + h

| Safari |
    • Show Favorites Bar                --> ctrl + f
    • Hide Favorites Bar                --> ctrl + f

| Chrome |
    • Always Show Bookmarks Bar         --> ctrl + f
    • Reopen Closed Tab                 --> cmd + ctrl + z

| global |
    • Open Location...                  --> ctrl + l
    • New Window                        --> cmd + shift + n
    • Tile Window to Left of Screen     --> ctrl + `
    • Print...                          --> ctrl + cmd + p
    • Open File...                      --> shfit + cmd + o
    • Minimize                          --> ctrl + cmd + option + M

| shortcut tips |
    • command + shift leftArrow

[how to restore minimized one ? don't ask me]

⑪ Safari

+ Preference:

1) Privacy -> uncheck website tracking for enabling cookie
2) Tabs -> Compact
3) Extension -> download PocketTube: YouTube Subscription Manager (App Store)

⑫ Notes App

make use of this app 
1) Note -> Setting -> Adjust Font size 
2) ...

⑬ Reminder App

make use of this app as well

⑭ Modified notification window

{based on preference}

⑮ Install Alfred


⛅ Environment


◍ Zen Tree

$ cd ~
$ git clone ""
$ mv env .config                                    # rename to .config directory 
$ mkdir "xxx"                                       # main directory 
$ cd "xxx"
$ mkdir blackhole society toKnow 
$ cd "yyy" 
$ mkdir Cok Projects zzz
                                   |                                      |
                                   |                                      |
                                 "xxx"                                 .config
                                   |                                      |
                                   |                                      |  
                    -------------------------------       ---------------------------------
                    |              |              |       |               |               |
                    |              |              |       |               |               |
                  "yyy"        blackhole       society   nvim           tmux             etc
                    |                                     |               |               |
                    |                                     ----------------------------------
    ----------------------------------                    ----------------------------------
    |               |                |                                | | ... |  
    |               |                |
   Cok           Projects           ...

➊ Install Xcode tool

xcode-select --install

➋ Install Homebrew

homebrew from source

(+) $HOME=/Users/your_username

echo '# homebrew' >> $HOME/.zprofile 
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> $HOME/.zprofile

basic commands with brew

brew install xxx
brew uninstall/remove xxx
Install Homebrew Natively (collapsed)

1) for users having trouble accessing, e.g. users in China
2) This command only work for M series chips, not Intel or AMD

>> cd /opt 
>> sudo mkdir homebrew 
>> sudo chown -R $(whoami) /opt/homebrew 
>> curl -L https::// | tar xz --strip 1 -C homebrew 
>> echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zprofile

➌ Terminal Emulator


brew install --cask alacritty

modify shortcut really quick

1) open / 
2) drag disk and user to the side bar of finder
3) replace hide alacritty command "cmd+h" in shortcut

➍ Karabiner (virtual keyboard)

install karabiner

brew install karabiner-elements --cask

Use Karabiner-Elements for key-mapping

1) Click and open TWO KARABINERs for accessbility in input source inside privacy
    • allow app 
    • target decide: usually I choose for all device 
    • choose whatever you want 
    • for all devices: add item 
    • map "caps_lock" to "left_control"

2) Mapping website:
    • Vi style arrow
    • click import 
    • import 
    • ok 
    • enable (only enable command + hjkl)
    • is command not control anymore

3) Search for any other combination you want

4) Custom Rule 
    • open finder => cmd + shift + g: ~/.config/karabiner/assets/complex_modifications

➎ Nerd Font

go to nerdfont

1) patched-fonts folder
2) each font folder will have their font appearance inside, probably

• Chosen_Font_Name => Light => complete
• Code New Roman Nerd Font Complete.otf 
• Download
• open the .otf file
• click install
• next go to font book looking for it
• do the italic one as well

• few selections: Monofur Nerd Font, CodeNewRoman(light is better), SourceCodePro, etc

patch your own font with nerdfont patcher

1) go to nerdfont github, see option 9: Patch Your Own Font 
2) install dependencies: 
>> brew install fontforge

3) download archive scripts provided 
4) go into the nerdfont patcher diretory and execute the font-patcher script
>> fontforge -script font-patcher "/path/to/a-single-.ttf-or.otf"


still missing some icon even after patched, look into it later

➏ Necessity

Git (collapsed)

Personal Access Tokens: github --> settings --> developers setting --> token
.gitignore: ignore file generation

1) Intialize/Create Local Repo
>> cd "any_directory"
>> git init                                                     // create .git 
>> git status                                                   // check branch

2) Connect Local Repo with Remote (github)
>> git config --global "mikiya"                                   // setup username
>> git config --global ""               // setup
>> git config -l                                                            // check both
>> cd "xxx"
>> git branch -M main                                                       // name branch "main"
>> git remote add origin         // add remote repo
>> git remote -v                                                            // list remote repo
>> git remote set-url origin     // change remote repo
>> git config --global credential.helper store                              // if no token pop up

3) Add, Commit, Check, Pull/Push 
>> git add                               // add single changed file
>> git add .                                          // add all changed files

>> git commit -m "commit message"                     // describe what you changed 
>> git status                                         // check current status
>> git reset                                          // undo last commit 
>> git reset --soft HEAD~                             // undo all commit 

>> git log                                            // check passed commit 
>> git log -p                                         // check detailed commit
>> git show 5eba8ab3b718a6ab6610186be934ba214e228a58  // check commit with hash
>> git diff                                           // show all modified

>> git pull origin main                               // pull from remote main branch
>> git push -u origin main                            // -u: for "--set-upstream"
                                                      // main is the <branch_name>
>> git push <remote-name> <branch-name>               // other branch aside from main
>> git push origin other_branch                       // example
>> git push                                           // only have one main branch
>> git push --set-upstream origin main                // if not branch to track

4) large file
>> brew install git-lfs                               // install LFS 
>> git lfs install                                    // enable through git 
>> git lfs track "video/interstallar.mp4"             // track the large file 
>> git add .gitattributes                             // only add once, lfs track will update it 
>> git add . & git commit -m "xx" 
>> git push

>> git lfs uninstall                                  // for large file only 
>> git rm --cached video/interstallar.mp4             
>> git filter-branch --force \                        // clear history
        --index-filter "git rm \ 
        --cached \ 
        --ignore-unmatch video/interstallar.mp4" \
        --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
>> git push origin --force --all                      // force update

5) Leave, Merge, Delete, Diverge/Converge, Rename Branch 
>> git checkout -b new_branch                         // -b: create new branchs 
>> git checkout                                       // leave current branch
>> git checkout main                                  // leave, and go to main
>> checkout branch_name                               // switch branch
>> git branch --list                                  // list all existing branches
>> git branch -a                                      // list all branch(local&remote) 
>> git branch -r                                      // list remote 
>> git push -u origin <new_branch>                    // push new branch to remote

>> git checkout main                                  // leave the branch about to merge to main
>> git branch                                         // try, won't kill you
>> git merge gh-pages                                 // merge branch "gh-pages" to main
>> git push origin main                               // push all the new changes merged to main

>> git branch -d branch_name                          // first delete local branch
>> git push origin --delete branch_name               // delete remote branch as well

if you make changes directly through github(remote)
and make different changes in local repo at the same time 
will cause version conflict 
>> git pull origin main                               // pull from remote branch main
>> git status 
>> git merge origin/branch_name                       // here branch_name = main

>> git branch -m older_name new_name                  // rename local repo
>> git fetch origin 
>> git branch -u origin/new_name new_name 
>> git remote set-head origin -a
# change remote
>> repo -> settings -> under Code and automation -> click Branches -> rename
# install through homebrew
>> brew install git
>> git --version

# if using apple's git, export git path for replacing apple default git
>> echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:${PATH}"' >> $HOME/.config/zsh/zsh-exports

C++ compiler

>> brew install gcc

YouTube Video Download

>> brew install yt-dlp
>> ffmpeg

# basic download
>> yt-dlp ""

# setting up the resolution for downloading (less or equal than 4k if videos are available)
>> yt-dlp -f "bestvideo[height<=2160][ext=webm]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[height<=2160]" --merge-output-format mp4 "<youtube url>"

# convert video to MPEG-4
>> ffmpeg -i <video1.mp4> -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac <video2.mp4>

# for some videos, if store differently on youtube, will download separate files (.m4a & webm), mannully convert 
>> ffmpeg -i "video_name.webm" -i "video_name.m4a" -c:v copy -c:a copy "video_name.mp4"

# convert video to audio file (e.g. mp4/mkv to mp3)
>> ffmpeg -i input.mkv -b:a 192K -vn output.mp3

Sound Player

# play .wav file 
>> brew install sox 
>> sox /path/to/wav_file -d

Node.js: macOS installer LTS version

>> node --version
>> npm --version

Find IP Address

# on linux/unix 
# find the inet value under 'wlp39s0', usually the last one
>> ifconfig
>> ip addr

Setup Static IP or DHCP


# check if ip-address exist in remote, if not then used jump host
>> nslookup 

# direct connection
>> ssh -i xxx_xxx.pem username@ip-address

# Need to change permission if using key file(.pem)
>> chmod 600 ~/.ssh/xxx_xxx.pem
>> ssh my-server

# local ssh config, read more:
>> vim ~/.ssh/config
| Host lambda-server-1                                  |
|   HostName                               |
|   User ubuntu(or others)                              |
|   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/xxxxxx.pem                      |
|                                                       |
| Host lambda-server-2                                  |
|   HostName yyy.y.yyy.yy                               |
|   User ubuntu                                         |
|   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/yyyyyy.pem                      |
|                                                       |
| Host my-server                                        |
|   HostName zzz.zzz.z.zzz                              |
|   User my_username                                    |

FileZilla Setup (Jump Host)

Connection Type Inputs
normal connection Host - Username - Password - Port
connect as jump host 1) Settings > Generic Proxy > Sock 5
2) Proxy host: - Proxy port: 8001
with private key(.pem) 1) File - Site Manager - New Site
2) Protocol: select the SFTP one -> Host: ip-address
3) Logon Type: Key File -> User -> Location of key file

Remote Connection FileZilla

# SSH setup for remote login with .pem (keyfile)
1) unzip and put it into Application                                  
2) open FileZilla, click File on the top-left, select Site Manager... 
3) New site, name it                                                  
4) Protocol: select SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol                 
5) Host: Enter the specific ip address for remote server              
6) Logon Type: select Keyfile                                         
7) User: xxxx []                                  
8) Browse your Keyfile                                                
9) connect                                                            
10) drag and draw                                                     

➐ Terminal Level

☍ tmux


# configuration explained in .conf
>> brew install tmux

# checking if tmux is missing some color
>> tmux info | grep -e RGB -e Tc

☍ zsh

brew install zsh

Add the following command to .zprofile

export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share

# zsh config dir
export ZDOTDIR=$HOME/.config/zsh

# if the login info is displayed
# add the clear at the end of the .zprofile 
# else do remove the clear command

Setup zsh Directory

>> cd ~/.config 
>> mkdir zsh 
>> touch .zshrc

Configure zsh Directory

# powerlevel10k (before you know how to write your own prompt use this)

>> brew install romkatv/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k
>> echo "source '$(brew --prefix)/opt/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme'" >> \ 
>> cd zsh 
>> git clone "...zsh_directory_in_github_repo..."
>> if the syntax highlighting and autocomplete not working, remove and reinstall

☍ Neovim

Two Options

  1. NvChad | tutorials

  1. my config | kickstart.nvim
>> brew install neovim
# remove cache, don't know why, I guess this make sure new config doesn't mixed with old ones
>> rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/

├── init.lua
├── lazy-lock.json
├── lua/
│   ├── xirong/
│   │   ├── core
│   │   │   ├── init.lua
│   │   │   ├── keymaps.lua
│   │   │   └── options.lua
│   │   └── plugins
│   │       ├── lsp/
│   │       ├── ...(list of plugins config)
│   │       └── dashboard.lua
│   └── lazy.lua


Target Action
/ match words for searching (n: next, N: previous)
:Lazy show all the plugins installed, Lazy.nvim as plugin manager
:Lazy sync download all new plugins
:ColorizerToggle cancel color preview from current buffer
:MasonInstall <name> LSP plugin manager, if new plugins not listed, exit and reopen with vim
:TSInstall python - install new highlighters(name): :TSInstall <name>
- check installed syntax: TSInstallInfo
:NvimTree - toggle open/close: ctrl + n
- mark file: m
:Telescope - all file: <leader> f f
- for only opened buffer: <leader> f b
:Open Buffer - oepn file to buffer: :e "path/to/file
- new empty buffer: <leader> + b

☍ Script

automate operation that are repetitive for your convenience, refer to my scripts

# original git operation
>> git add .
>> git commit -m "message"
>> git push (-u origin main)

# custom script wrapped up all three lines
>> gpush

☍ Conda

miniconda (silicon difference)

# for apple silicon (arm64)

>> brew install miniforge 
>> conda init "$(basename "${SHELL}")"

conda command notes

# create new env 
>> conda create -n myenv python=3.x     # python version 
>> conda create -n myenv scipy          # with sepcific package

# remove conda env 
>> conda remove --name myenv --all

# install packages using .yml in existing conda env 
# --prune: this command remove dependencies that are no longer listed in the .yml file
# --name myenv: sepcify which env to update
>> conda env update --name myenv --file xxx.yml --prune 

# when you update env using .yml file, few things to notice 
# 1) comment the "name:" section in the .yml file, 
#    otherwise it will create another env if name is not the same as the current one
# 2) newer version will be overrided by older version 
#    - in my case, if tensorflow is installed with python=3.10, and pytorch is 3.9 
#    - then tensorflow will be removed after install pytorch using .yml file 
# 3) newer version is compatible with older version (mostly) 
#    - install pytorch with python=3.9, then install tensorflow with python=3.10 if fine

pytorch: official website or refer to yaml file

# basic setup for pytorch conda in macOS
>> conda create -n env & conda activate env     # create new env
>> pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio    # torch website, select stable/nightly version

# use mps 
>> conda env create -f torch-conda.yml 
================= .yml =================
name: [your-env-name]
  - pytorch
  - conda-forge
    - python=3.11
    - pip>=19.0
    - pytorch 
    - torchvision 
    - torchaudio
    - jupyter
    - scikit-learn
    - scipy
    - pandas
    - pandas-datareader
    - matplotlib
    - pillow
    - tqdm
    - requests
    - h5py
    - pyyaml
    - flask
    - boto3
    - ipykernel
    - pip:
        - bayesian-optimization
        - gym
        - kaggle
================= .yml =================

# connect to jupyter notebook
>> python -m ipykernel install --user --name torch --display-name "Python 3.10 (pytorch)"
>> jupyter notebook                             # test 

# macOS m-chip use MPS (Apple Metal for GPU), target MPS for training.
>> has_mps = getattr(torch, 'has_mps', False)
>> device = "mps" if getattr(torch, 'has_mps', False) \
else "gpu" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

python test

import torch
import math

# this ensures that the current MacOS version is at least 12.3+
# this ensures that the current current PyTorch installation was built with MPS activated.

how to remove ipykernel name

# check kernel list 
>> jupyter kernelspec list 
>> jupyter kernelspec uninstall kernel_name

Tensorflow: here

>> cd ~/anywhere-yml-for-installation

# go to base environment 
>> conda install -y jupyter 
>> conda deactivate 
>> conda env create -f tensorflow-apple-metal.yml -n tensorflow
>> conda info -e 
>> conda activate tensorflow
>> python -m ipykernel install --user --name tensorflow --display-name "Python 3.10 (tf)"
>> jupyter notebook

# check 
>> tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')

☍ Yabai


☍ C++

Compile .cpp file and run

# full command 
>> g++ -Wall -std=c++20 xxx.cpp -o run && ./run

# compiler:                  g++
# warnings:                  -Wall
# C++ version:               std=c++20
# program to compile:        xxx.cpp
# name your compiled file:   -o run
# run compiled file:         ./run


# 1) if you know the file 
>> strings /usr/lib64/ | grep GLIBCXX 

# 2) check globally 
>> strings $(g++ | grep GLIBCXX 

# 3) check the path to the '' library that was used to compile 'my_program'
>> ldd my_program | grep libstdc++

SFML Library

brew install sfml
brew info sfml

# find the where sfml folder has beedn downloaded
# aside from the usual command, two path need to sepcify
# where is SFML package (I)
# where is the necessary libraries (L)

Compile SFML (a bit messy)

>> g++ test.cpp -Wall -I/[1] -o run -L/[2] -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system

# [1]: opt/homebrew/Cellar/sfml/2.5.1_1/include
# [2]: opt/homebrew/Cellar/sfml/2.5.1_1/lib
# [?]: you can try build with source, and save the package to somewhere with less name

☍ Java

Download java env

# 1. Java (JDK):
# 2. Java SE Development Kit:
# 3. restart terminal
>> javac
>> java file

☍ VimTex

VimTex repo

# compiler is needed, but you don't have to install the whole MaxTex
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# option that I had tried
>> brew install --cask mactex-no-gui

# other option
>> brew install --cask basictex

# also inside plugin.lua 
>> use 'lervag/vimtex'

check if successfully installed

>> latexmk 
>> pdflatex

generate pdf through command line

>> pdflatex xxx.tex 

inside .tex file

:echo g:vimtex_view_enabled

PDF preview plugin
add the configuration to VimTex.lua setting skim as default preview app

>> brew install --cask skim
>> echo "vim.g['vimtex_view_method'] = 'skim'" >> ~/.config/.../VimTex.lua

mapping shortcut

[normal mode]:
dse: Delete surrounding environments(\begin{} and \end{}

cse: Change surrounding environments(change what's in bracket) them with alacritty..

basic command

# compile .tex file to pdf -> mapped with <leader>r


➑ Fun Stuff


echo '\n# customize LS-colors (directory)' \ 
>> ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc 
echo '# green & unbold' >> ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc 
echo 'export LSCOLORS=cxfxexdxbxegedabagacac' >> ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc


>> brew install openssl

# sometimes openssl@3, follow the tips output from the terminal shell
# mostly, the terminal output will prompt you to set path variable

echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc
echo 'export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/lib"' >> ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc
echo 'export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/include"' >> ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc

MacOS control -> drag windows without titlebar

# enable
>> defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool true
>> exit

# disable
>> defaults delete -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture

for fun

brew install numi --cask
brew install keycastr --cask
brew install cmatrix
sudo npm install -g mapscii      # require node.js installed
brew install cointop
brew install bpytop 
brew tap teamookla/speedtest
brew update
brew install speedtest --force 
brew uninstall speedtest --force
Ubuntu Keymap (collapsed)

• gnome-desktop

sudo apt install gnome-tweak

• tweak-tool

# search for tweak, open it 
1) Startup Applications
    + Caffeine indicator 
2) Top Bar 
    + Weekday 
    + Date 
3) Keyboard & Mouse 
    + Show Extended Input Sources ? 
    + Mouse 
        > Pointer Location 
        > Middle Click Paste 
    + Touchpad 
        > Disable While Typing 
    + Mouse Click Emulation 
        > Fingers 
    + Additional Layout Option 
        > Caps Lock Behavior: ...
        > Ctrl Position
            - Caps Lock as Ctrl
            - (you can move between tabs using capslock + key1...9)
        > Alt and Win behavior 
            - Meta is mapped to win (disable super for search)
    + Enable Emacs input (======== not perfect, better to use vim-style moving like karabiner =======)
        > Ctrl+a: to move the cursor to the beginning of the line
        > Ctrl+e: to move the cursor to the end of the line
        > Ctrl+k: to cut the text from the cursor to the end of the line
        > Ctrl+y/v: to paste the most recently cut text
        > Ctrl+p: (previous) and `Ctrl+N` (next) to navigate up and down in history or suggestions
        > Ctrl+b: to move the cursor back one character
        > Ctrl+f: to move the cursor forward one character
        > Ctrl+d: to delete the character under the cursor
        > Ctrl+h: to delete the character before the cursor
    - lose some shortcut once Emacs input enable (you have to do it by hand)
        > ctrl + a: select all, still work on page level or folder level, just doesn't work for text-input level
            >> but text-level select all could be replaced by Super + A
        > ctrl + w: can't close tab is on text/typing
    + still missing two shortcut, move a line up and down globally like karabiner does

# Find something like xbindkeys, or find out why xbindkeys is not working

# Open setting |- Keyboard |- View and Customize Shortcuts 
1) Accessibility
    ( don't know why, but zoom in and zoom out could use ctrl+= & ctrl+-)
    + Zoom in: Disabled 
    + Zoom out: Disabled
2) Launchers 
    + Home folder: Alt+Super+H
    + Launch terminal: Alt+Super+T
    + Launch web browser: Alt+Super+B
    + Setting: Alt+Super+S
3) Navigation
    + Hide all normal windows: Disabled
4) System 
    + Focus the active notification: Disabled (leave super + N)
    + Show the notification list: Disabled (leave super + M and super + V)
    + Restore the keyboard shortcuts: Disabled (avoid miss type)
    + Show the overview: Super + Space (it's like Alfred)
    + Lock Screen: Alt + L 
    + Show all application: Alt + A
5) Windows 
    + Hide window: Disabled (free Super + H)
    + Navigation between tabs in browser or tmux, we usually used Command + 1/2/3/... or Super + 1/2/3/...
        > disable it gnome-wise 
            # in ubuntu, Super + num were mapped to switch between applications in the dock order, 
            # disable it gnome-wise using "gsettings"
            # "N" represent the number you want to unbind, in ubuntu's case, you have to unbind 0-9 separately
            >> "gsettings set switch-to-application-N []"
            >> gsettings set switch-to-application-0 []
            >> gsettings set switch-to-application-1 []
        > However, for browser you can use ctrl + numbers to navigate. For tmux tabs, map Ctrl to use them in alacritty is also a solution (below)

# alacritty 
    + key_bindings
        > setup copy and paste with super key in alacritty 
            # copy 
            - { key: C mods: Super, action: Copy }
            # paste 
            - { key: V mods: Super, action: Paste }
            # remember to use ctrl + c/v outside of alacritty, ctrl + t for new tabs or something
        > change all tmux binding from using Command to Super
            # split pane left and right
            - { key: M, mods: Super, chars: "\x01\x4d" }          
            # split pane top and down
            - { key: B, mods: Super, chars: "\x01\x42" }
            # save neovim 
            - { key: S, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b\x3a\x77\x0a" }
            # rename current session
            - { key: R, mods: Super, chars: "\x01\x24" }
            # new tmux window 
            - { key: T, mods: Super, chars: "\x01\x63" }
            # detach current session 
            - { key: D, mods: Super, chars: "\x01\x64" }
            # select a tmux session to attach while inside tmux (p stands for preview): original command prefix + w 
            # disable Super + P in Ubuntu's default binding: 
            # >> gsettings set org.gnome.mutter.keybindings switch-monitor "['']"
            # re-enable:
            # >> gsettings set org.gnome.mutter.keybindings switch-monitor "['<Super>p']"
            - { key: P, mods: Super, chars: "x01\x77" }
            # select window 1-9 
            - { key: Key1, mods: Control, chars: "\x01\x31" }
            - { key: Key2, mods: Control, chars: "\x01\x32" }
            - ...

        > option will be considered as Alt, so you need to remove other minor keybind used Alt 
            # comment out
            - { key: D, mods: Option, chars: "\x64\x73\x65" }
            # comment out
            - { key: C, mods: Option, chars: "\x63\x73\x65" }

# enable Emacs input (untested)
    + navigation mapping
        > Super + a = Home key 
        > Super + e = End key 
        > Super + h = Ctrl + leftarrow
        > Super + j = Ctrl + Downarrow
        > Super + k = Ctrl + Uparrow
        > Super + l = Ctrl + rightarrow

⛲ Application


☍ Download

QuickTime Player

[OK] chrome
[OK] notability
[OK] movist
[?] cursor Pro
[?] xcode (app store)
[?] The Unarchiver (app store)
[?] parallels
[?] blender
[?] Unzip One

☍ vscode


@ Open Settings (cmd+,) 
1) Font Family: SauceCodePro Nerd Font
2) Font Size: 13
3) Cursor Style: underline

@ theme
1) Tokyo Night*
2) Monokai Pro 
3) Nord

shortcuts | link: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

# vscode => View => Command Palette...  => macos shortcuts
@ Command Palette                       --> cmd + shift + p
@ keyboard shortcuts                    --> bottom left setting icon  
                                        ==> click top-right corner file icon to open "keybindings.json"
                                        ==> also find "~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/keybindings.json"

# Basic (Search in Command Palette)
• close command palette                 --> [ESC]
• Open File/Folder                      --> cmd + o
• Open Recent                           --> cmd + r
• Run Python File                       --> cmd + enter
• Toggle Side Bar                       --> cmd + b
• New File                              --> cmd + n
• Delete File in toggle bar             --> cmd + delete
• Toggle Terminal                       --> ctrl + t

# navigation (j and k is used for switching focus, better to use one key)
• resize terminal left                  --> ctrl + shift + h
• resize terminal down                  --> ctrl + shift + j
• resize terminal up                    --> ctrl + shift + k 
• resize terminal right                 --> ctrl + shift + l
• navigate editor group                 --> { 
                                                "key": "ctrl+1", 
                                                "command": "workbench.action.focusFirstEditorGroup"
• navigate tabs (1,2,3,n)               --> { 
                                                "key": "cmd+1", 
                                                "command": "workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1" 
• focus on terminal                     --> {
                                                "key": "ctrl+j",
                                                "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus"
• focus on editor                       --> {
                                                "key": "ctrl+k",
                                                "command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
                                                "when": "terminalFocus" 

# connection 
• Remote-SSH: Connect to Host...        --> ctrl + shift + c

extension | theme | ssh | vim | turnoff

# "Remote - SSH" Extension
# =========================
# 1) Command Palette -> ssh -> + Add New SSH Host.. -> open /Users/mikiyax/.ssh/config
# 2) Connect to HOST through a jump host, or you can't connect jump host solely
Host Jump-Host
    Port 22
    User xxx
    ForwardX11 yes
    ForwardX11Trusted yes
Host Destination-Host
    Port 22
    User xxxxxx
    ForwardX11 yes
    ForwardX11Trusted yes
    ProxyJump Jump-Host

Host Use-key 
    User xxxx 
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/xxx.pem

# Markdown Preview 
# ================= 
# 1) built-in 
# 2) open .md file, and look for the unique icon on the top right beside run icon

☍ Window Management

install Amethyst and enable accessibility features

brew install --cask amethyst

preference setting

1) Floating --> choose automatically float all applications except those listed
    + Alacritty
    + Google Chrome
    + Notability
    + Safari
    + Preview (MacOS pdf)
    + Skim
    + ...

2) Mouse
    + check resize windows using mouse
    + check swap windows using mouse

3) Layouts
    + add 3 Column Middle

4) General 
    + window margins enable 
        • 15px 
    + smart window enable 
    + screen padding 
        • all set to 10px for now

5) Shortcut (farthest-left window is the main pane by default) 
    + shrink main pane:                                     --> control + shift + H
    + expand main pane:                                     --> control + shift + L 
    + move focus to main window:                            --> control + shift + M
    + move focus counter clockwise:                         --> control + shift + k
    + move focus clockwise:                                 --> control + shift + J 
    + swap the focused window with main window:             --> control + shift + enter
    + swap focused window to counter clockwise:             --> control + option + shift + K
    + swap focused window to clockwise:                     --> control + option + shift + J
    + swap focused window to counter clockwise screen:      --> control + option + shift + H
    + swap focused window to clockwise screen:              --> control + option + shift + L
    + select main layout(currently is 3columns):            --> control + option + cmd + M
    + select Column Layout:                                 --> control + option + shift + N
    + select Row Layout:                                    --> control + option + shift + B
    + relauch Amethyst                                      --> control + option + cmd + Z
    + ...more to setup...(throw screen n, focus screen n)   --> for now just use mouse

6) different screen/desktop could have different layouyt (I guess, not certain)
    >> go to the long vertical one, and use shortcut to setup the Row Layout
    >> it's just need to manually specify each time

⛳ To-Do

  • Yabai usage & configuration
  • Jupyter Notebook & Colab IDE configuration
  • Custom Command Prompt (zsh) as good as the current one without using powerlevel10k


development environment (tmux, neovim, etc)






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